Adepta Sororitas and Black Templar
Necron and Dark Eldar
Mission: BAO Tourney Scenario 5 (2000 vs 1000+1000)
Primary: Purge the Alien (4 pts)
Secondary: The Scouring (3 pts)
Tertiary: First blood, Linebreaker, Slay Warlord
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
Night Fighting: No
First Turn: Necrons/DE
Primary: Purge the Alien (4 pts)
Secondary: The Scouring (3 pts)
Tertiary: First blood, Linebreaker, Slay Warlord
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
Night Fighting: No
First Turn: Necrons/DE
Proxy WARNING!: This game uses proxies. Some of the models in these armies weren't available originally, so conversions were done, or new replacements have not yet been purchased. If this offends you, please skip this battle report. I will point out which models represent their actual game equivalents.
(1000 points)
Destroyer Lord
(Mindshackle, Sempiternal Weave, Warscythe, warlord) trait challenge bonus points
10x Gauss Immortals in a Night Scythe
10x Tesla Immortals in a Night Scythe (ork flyer)
5x Canoptek Wraiths (x3 Whip Coils) (still being painted, destroyer models are extra)
Annihilation Barge
Dark Eldar
(1000 points)
(Clone field, Combat Drugs, Huskblade, Webway Portal, Plasma Grenades, warlord) trait outflanking.
9x Kabalite Warriors in a
Raider (chain, dark lance, nighshield, splinter racks, grenade launcher)
10x Wyches (Wych weapon, haywire, shardnet impaler) in a
Raider (chain, dark lance, nighshield, splinter racks, grenade launcher))
3x Reaver Jetbikes (cluster catrops, heat lance)
3x Reaver Jetbikes (Grav-Talon, heat lance)
Razorwing Fighter
(Necrotoxin, nightshield, shatterfieldx2)
Talos Pain Engine
Adepta Sororitas and Black Templar
(2000 points)
Primary Detachment Adepta Sororitas:
Saint Celestine (warlord) default warlord trait (sisters use her ld for faith within 12)
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator (rhino)
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator (rhino)
7x Sister (flamer/MM)
9x Seraphim Squad
(2x hand flamers)
Dominion Squad
(4x melta) in a Hvy Flamer Immolator
Aegis Defense Line with a Quad Gun
Allied Detachment Black Templars:
Black Templar Captain
(Artificer Armour, Teeth of Terra)
10x Black Templar Crusaders.
(CCW/BP, flamer, Power sword, Sword Brother/Power Maul)
(two heavy flamers)
Stormraven Gunship
(TL-Assault Cannon, TL-MM)
Saint Celestine (warlord) default warlord trait (sisters use her ld for faith within 12)
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator (rhino)
5x Sister (melta/hvy flamer) in a MM Immolator (rhino)
7x Sister (flamer/MM)
9x Seraphim Squad
(2x hand flamers)
Dominion Squad
(4x melta) in a Hvy Flamer Immolator
Aegis Defense Line with a Quad Gun
Allied Detachment Black Templars:
Black Templar Captain
(Artificer Armour, Teeth of Terra)
10x Black Templar Crusaders.
(CCW/BP, flamer, Power sword, Sword Brother/Power Maul)
(two heavy flamers)
Stormraven Gunship
(TL-Assault Cannon, TL-MM)
Deployment and Game Setup
We haven't played for a month or so, so please forgive any inaccuracies. This is also the first time I've played with a primary sisters if I seem a bit heavy handed with them, it's because I generally play Orks and Black Templars.
Necrons and Dark Eldar won to go first. I won for sides and choose the side with the aquila. I set my aegis line to add some cover for the main firelanes on the board, and placed my tanks in position to be able to move into fire lanes on my turn.
Reserves for Sisters/BT: Seraphim, Dominons, Stormraven (with ironclad/crusaders).
Necrons and Dark Eldar won to go first. I won for sides and choose the side with the aquila. I set my aegis line to add some cover for the main firelanes on the board, and placed my tanks in position to be able to move into fire lanes on my turn.
Reserves for Sisters/BT: Seraphim, Dominons, Stormraven (with ironclad/crusaders).
Another shot of the sisters/BT deployment.
Necron and DE players hide things behind LOS terrain, (just in case i seized), as their superior mobility meant they could choose engagements a bit easier.
Reserves for Necrons/DE: Night Scythes x2, Outflanking Raider, Razorwing, Talos
Reserves for Necrons/DE: Night Scythes x2, Outflanking Raider, Razorwing, Talos
Higher quality camera goodness! The new terrain really helps block LOS, and enables units to help avoid turn 1 alpha strikes. We play with the center two buildings blocking 100% of los (even though the large rear building has some windows).
Necron/Dark Eldar Turn 1
The wraiths move forward to start applying pressure to the right flank. The destroyer lord separates from the wraiths, so they can ignore cover.
The annihilation barge moves up to hold the fire lane. The reaver jetbikes zoom up to do their shenanigans.
A rear raider with wyches holds an objective.
The wraiths move forward to start applying pressure to the right flank. The destroyer lord separates from the wraiths, so they can ignore cover.
The annihilation barge moves up to hold the fire lane. The reaver jetbikes zoom up to do their shenanigans.
A rear raider with wyches holds an objective.
The reavers turbo boost over the sisters holding the quad gun. They inflict enough causalities to force a morale check, and the sisters roll a 12.. falling back 6 inches. (but not off the board)
The annihilation barge is out of range. The wraiths and destroyer lord run forward.
The reavers turbo boost over the sisters holding the quad gun. They inflict enough causalities to force a morale check, and the sisters roll a 12.. falling back 6 inches. (but not off the board)
The annihilation barge is out of range. The wraiths and destroyer lord run forward.
The reaver jetbikes use their assault move to get away from the sisters.
The reaver jetbikes use their assault move to get away from the sisters.
Sisters/Black Templar Turn 1
The vindicator moves up to get a shot at the barge. The immolators move and position to unload the sisters for maximum damage on the bikes. The falling back sisters rally and run back up to the quad gun.
The exorcists position themselves in the main firelanes, to take shots at targets of opportunity.
Right side immolators move up, and one group of sisters gets out.
The vindicator moves up to get a shot at the barge. The immolators move and position to unload the sisters for maximum damage on the bikes. The falling back sisters rally and run back up to the quad gun.
The exorcists position themselves in the main firelanes, to take shots at targets of opportunity.
Right side immolators move up, and one group of sisters gets out.
Purifying flame annihilates the reaver jetbikes from existence. (first blood). The vindicator and exorcists fire at the annihilation barge (only thing they can see) and glance it.
The right side flank sees the immolators move up to provide a speed bump, and prevent the wraiths from running rampant through the rear lines.
The sisters get out, and everything fires through cover at the wraiths, dealing minimal damage (if any)
Purifying flame annihilates the reaver jetbikes from existence. (first blood). The vindicator and exorcists fire at the annihilation barge (only thing they can see) and glance it.
The right side flank sees the immolators move up to provide a speed bump, and prevent the wraiths from running rampant through the rear lines.
The sisters get out, and everything fires through cover at the wraiths, dealing minimal damage (if any)
Burn heretics BURN!
Necron/Dark Eldar Turn 2
Reserves: Both Night Scythes, the Razorwing, and the Raider with Archon/Warriors comes in.
The annihilation barge shuffles around. The flyers scream on, moving 36 to quickly apply their firepower to the sisters.
Dark Eldar rolls a 5 on outflanking, so plops the archon an his raider right next to the sisters left flank. He disembarks and detaches from the unit.
A unit of immortals disembarks (gauss immortals) from the Night Scythe. The other group remains inside. The wraiths move up hoping to get an assault roll.
The annihilation barge shuffles around. The flyers scream on, moving 36 to quickly apply their firepower to the sisters.
Dark Eldar rolls a 5 on outflanking, so plops the archon an his raider right next to the sisters left flank. He disembarks and detaches from the unit.
A unit of immortals disembarks (gauss immortals) from the Night Scythe. The other group remains inside. The wraiths move up hoping to get an assault roll.
Wow, such firepower.
The Night scythes tear into units. One immolator explodes. Another takes a glance. The vindicator takes a glancing hit (annihilation barge). The raider blows up another immolator. The razorwing unloads on the quadgun sisters, killing a few, but they hold.
The Archon drops a webway portal. (oh oh)
Some sisters fall to warrior and immortal fire.
Wow, such firepower.
The Night scythes tear into units. One immolator explodes. Another takes a glance. The vindicator takes a glancing hit (annihilation barge). The raider blows up another immolator. The razorwing unloads on the quadgun sisters, killing a few, but they hold.
The Archon drops a webway portal. (oh oh)
Some sisters fall to warrior and immortal fire.
The wraiths make an amazing charge through terrain, and wipe the sisters that were in the crater of the destroyed immolator
The wraiths make an amazing charge through terrain, and wipe the sisters that were in the crater of the destroyed immolator
This used to be an immolator and a group of sisters.
Another immolator down. The foam brick is the webway portal.
Sisters/Black Templar Turn 2
Reserves: Dominons arrive. Seraphim and Celestine Arrive. Entire black templar forces does not. :(
I roll a 6 for the outflanking dominons. I arrive them by the rear wyche raider.
The sisters/immolators shuffle around.
The seraphim make a calculated deep strike, and I scatter, nad have to make 4-5 dangerous terrain rolls.
I roll a 6 for the outflanking dominons. I arrive them by the rear wyche raider.
The sisters/immolators shuffle around.
The seraphim make a calculated deep strike, and I scatter, nad have to make 4-5 dangerous terrain rolls.
The sisters unleash the emperors wrath upon the xeons scum. The seraphim pass their faith roll, and shred the wraiths for the tune of 15+ wounds. Only three are failed. (Macathu rolls red hot)
The immolator by the sisters shoots also shoots at the wraiths, and they pass their invuln
The quad gun opens fire, and blows the tesla gun off the night scythe. The vindicator pens and stuns the annihilation barge.
The immolator by the raider fires it's MM and blows it sky high. The warriors and archon get shot up by the sisters on the ground. The archon fails a save, but it goes to his clone field. The warriors break and flee.
The dominions fail their faith roll...but four melta's still blow the wytches raider sky high. Multiple wyches die in the explosion. The TL hvy flamer on the immolator deals with a few more.
The exorcists fail to do any real damage. The vindicator pens, and stuns the annihilation barge. (Quantum shielding down).
The sisters unleash the emperors wrath upon the xeons scum. The seraphim pass their faith roll, and shred the wraiths for the tune of 15+ wounds. Only three are failed. (Macathu rolls red hot)
The immolator by the sisters shoots also shoots at the wraiths, and they pass their invuln
The quad gun opens fire, and blows the tesla gun off the night scythe. The vindicator pens and stuns the annihilation barge.
The immolator by the raider fires it's MM and blows it sky high. The warriors and archon get shot up by the sisters on the ground. The archon fails a save, but it goes to his clone field. The warriors break and flee.
The dominions fail their faith roll...but four melta's still blow the wytches raider sky high. Multiple wyches die in the explosion. The TL hvy flamer on the immolator deals with a few more.
The exorcists fail to do any real damage. The vindicator pens, and stuns the annihilation barge. (Quantum shielding down).
I declare an assault with the sisters to prevent the immortals from jumping back into the night scythe. Their overwatch is devastating and I lose multiple sisters. They knock down one in combat, and lose one. Only one sister remains, but succeeds in holding them in place by the will of the emperor.
I declare an assault with the sisters to prevent the immortals from jumping back into the night scythe. Their overwatch is devastating and I lose multiple sisters. They knock down one in combat, and lose one. Only one sister remains, but succeeds in holding them in place by the will of the emperor.
Necron/Dark Eldar Turn 3
Reserves: The talos comes out of the webway portal.
The archon moves up to assault the sisters that blew up his ride.
The warriors fail their morale check again, and fall back again.
The gunless night scythe moves forward, and deposits it's cargo of tesla immortals.
The other night scythe flies behind the building in the center.
The wyches move to shoot and harass the dominions.
The destroyer lord moves up to wipe out the remaining immolator on his side.
The archon moves up to assault the sisters that blew up his ride.
The warriors fail their morale check again, and fall back again.
The gunless night scythe moves forward, and deposits it's cargo of tesla immortals.
The other night scythe flies behind the building in the center.
The wyches move to shoot and harass the dominions.
The destroyer lord moves up to wipe out the remaining immolator on his side.
The wyches shoot the dominons. No damage.
The razorwing and immortals kills the quad gun sisters to a single member. She holds due to the grace of the emperor..
The night scythe
The annihilation barge snapshots, does a hull point on an exorcist.
The talos shoots a blast and fails to kill any sisters.
The wyches shoot the dominons. No damage.
The razorwing and immortals kills the quad gun sisters to a single member. She holds due to the grace of the emperor..
The night scythe
The annihilation barge snapshots, does a hull point on an exorcist.
The talos shoots a blast and fails to kill any sisters.
The archon assaults the sisters in the crater and whiffs big time. killing just one. They fail to wound him (only knocking down his clones).
The wyches wipe out the dominions without trouble.
The wraiths assault the seraphim, who do a massive 17 wounds in overwatch...of which only one or two are failed.
In assault, the seraphim and celestine knock down another wraith, and lose a few of their own.
The necron lord assaults the immolator, blows it up, and kills four seraphim in the explosion. (Ouch)
I completely forget seraphim have hit and run.
The archon assaults the sisters in the crater and whiffs big time. killing just one. They fail to wound him (only knocking down his clones).
The wyches wipe out the dominions without trouble.
The wraiths assault the seraphim, who do a massive 17 wounds in overwatch...of which only one or two are failed.
In assault, the seraphim and celestine knock down another wraith, and lose a few of their own.
The necron lord assaults the immolator, blows it up, and kills four seraphim in the explosion. (Ouch)
I completely forget seraphim have hit and run.
Wraiths are the coolest models in 40k
For the emperor!!!!!
Sisters/Black Templar Turn 3
Reserves: Black Templars currently engaged in Massive Fleet battle vs tomb world ships. They can't come to the sisters aid yet.
The exorcists, immolator, and free sisters turn to engage the talos which just arrived from the webway.
The dominions immolator moves to flame the wyches.
The sister on the quad gun prays to the emperor.
The vindicator moves to fire at the unit of warriors that is running back.
The exorcists, immolator, and free sisters turn to engage the talos which just arrived from the webway.
The dominions immolator moves to flame the wyches.
The sister on the quad gun prays to the emperor.
The vindicator moves to fire at the unit of warriors that is running back.
The talos falls to combined melta fire and exorcists. The other exorcist studders and fires off a weak missile which does nothing to the shieldless barge.
The quad gun sister fires on the razorwing and takes revenge on her fallen sisters, blowing it out of the sky.
The dominon immolator frys a few wyches...but not enough.
Celestine and the seraphim kill another wraith, and lose another of their own. Combat tied.
Archon wipes out the sisters and conslidates towards the next group.
The talos falls to combined melta fire and exorcists. The other exorcist studders and fires off a weak missile which does nothing to the shieldless barge.
The quad gun sister fires on the razorwing and takes revenge on her fallen sisters, blowing it out of the sky.
The dominon immolator frys a few wyches...but not enough.
Celestine and the seraphim kill another wraith, and lose another of their own. Combat tied.
Archon wipes out the sisters and conslidates towards the next group.
Necrons/Dark Eldar Turn 4
The warriors finally regroup, and head to claim an objective.
The wyches move to assault the immolator.
The night scythe picks up the tesla immortals and flys back off.
The archon moves to assault the last remaining unit of sisters. (besides the great quad gun sister).
The destroyer lord moves to assault celestine.
The night scythe that was hiding in the center flies further up.
The warriors finally regroup, and head to claim an objective.
The wyches move to assault the immolator.
The night scythe picks up the tesla immortals and flys back off.
The archon moves to assault the last remaining unit of sisters. (besides the great quad gun sister).
The destroyer lord moves to assault celestine.
The night scythe that was hiding in the center flies further up.
The annihilation barge fires at the side of the vindicator, and wrecks it.
The night scythe fires and blows up the last immolator.
The Archon assaults into the sisters, wiping them out.
The immortals finally break the lone sister who has held them up almost the entire game.
The destroyer lord assaults into the seraphim. He challenges celestine and they exchange blows. (passing mindshackle) . They both fail to wound each other.
The annihilation barge fires at the side of the vindicator, and wrecks it.
The night scythe fires and blows up the last immolator.
The Archon assaults into the sisters, wiping them out.
The immortals finally break the lone sister who has held them up almost the entire game.
The destroyer lord assaults into the seraphim. He challenges celestine and they exchange blows. (passing mindshackle) . They both fail to wound each other.
The Huskblade is awesome!
Sisters/Black Templar Turn 4
Reserves: The Black Templars Arrive!!!!!!!!
The exorcists position themselves to destroy the archon.
The Stormraven flies on to engage targets of opportunity, and to drop the ironclad off.
The ironclad scatters, and ends up in perfect firing range of the immortals.
The exorcists position themselves to destroy the archon.
The Stormraven flies on to engage targets of opportunity, and to drop the ironclad off.
The ironclad scatters, and ends up in perfect firing range of the immortals.
The ironclad double flames the immortals, knocking down a bunch of them.
The exorcists turn the archon into paste. (slay the warlord)
The stormraven wrecks the annihilation barge.
The quad gun blows up the night scythe, so it can be with it's friend the razorwing. At this point we replace the ork flyer with the night scythe model. So when you see a night scythe fly back on, and are a bit confused, it's because we swapped to the correct model instead of the proxy.
The ironclad double flames the immortals, knocking down a bunch of them.
The exorcists turn the archon into paste. (slay the warlord)
The stormraven wrecks the annihilation barge.
The quad gun blows up the night scythe, so it can be with it's friend the razorwing. At this point we replace the ork flyer with the night scythe model. So when you see a night scythe fly back on, and are a bit confused, it's because we swapped to the correct model instead of the proxy.
The wraith kills another seraphim. Seraphim fail to do any wounds back. Celestine fails to get any wounds past the lords 2+ save. Lord fails to kill Celestine.
The wraith kills another seraphim. Seraphim fail to do any wounds back. Celestine fails to get any wounds past the lords 2+ save. Lord fails to kill Celestine.
Necrons/Dark Eldar Turn 5
The immortals move away from the angry dreadnought.
Warriors and Wyches make sure they are on objectives.
The immortal laden night scythe flys on, and drops the tesla immortals off on the center objective.
Immortals desperately shoot at the ironclad, fail to do any damage.
The immortals move away from the angry dreadnought.
Warriors and Wyches make sure they are on objectives.
The immortal laden night scythe flys on, and drops the tesla immortals off on the center objective.
Immortals desperately shoot at the ironclad, fail to do any damage.
Celestine falls to the war scythe. Destroyer lord consilidates towards exorcists.
Wraith kills the last seraphim.
Celestine falls to the war scythe. Destroyer lord consilidates towards exorcists.
Wraith kills the last seraphim.
Sisters/Black Templar Turn 5
The stormraven switches to hover mode, and disgorges a unit of extremely angry templars.
The ironclad moves up to finish off the wraith/immortals.
The exorcists shift to unload on the destroyer lord, who is now by himself in a crater.
Celestine gets back up.
The stormraven switches to hover mode, and disgorges a unit of extremely angry templars.
The ironclad moves up to finish off the wraith/immortals.
The exorcists shift to unload on the destroyer lord, who is now by himself in a crater.
Celestine gets back up.
The stormraven blows up the night scythe. The templars knock down an immortal or two.
The ironclad kills all but two immortals.
Celestine wounds the wraith who passes his save.
The exorcists knock two wounds off the destroyer lord (one left).
The stormraven blows up the night scythe. The templars knock down an immortal or two.
The ironclad kills all but two immortals.
Celestine wounds the wraith who passes his save.
The exorcists knock two wounds off the destroyer lord (one left).
The ironclad misses with all his CC attacks. The immortals can't hurt him back.
Celestine assaults the wraith, who makes all his saves. (newly painted model = invulnerable) She passes hers.
The templars smash into the immortals, who make a bucket full of saves and hold. They kill a few templars in overwatch due to tesla. Neither group holds the objective.
The ironclad misses with all his CC attacks. The immortals can't hurt him back.
Celestine assaults the wraith, who makes all his saves. (newly painted model = invulnerable) She passes hers.
The templars smash into the immortals, who make a bucket full of saves and hold. They kill a few templars in overwatch due to tesla. Neither group holds the objective.
We roll to see if the game continues....It ends!
Final Score
Primary: 11 kill points Dark Eldar/Necron. 10 Kill points Sisters of Battle/Black Templar
Primary: 4 points to Necron/Dark Eldar
Secondary: Warriors and Wyches hold 5 points of objectives. Templars contest center objective. Sisters hold 2 points of objective (quad gun). Both sides killed 2 points of fast attack.
Secondary: 3 points to Necron/Dark Eldar
Teritary: First blood (sisters). Slay the warlord (sisters). Neither has linebreaker.
Teritary: 2 points to Sisters/Black Templar
Final Score: 7-2. Necron/Dark Eldar Win!
Primary: 4 points to Necron/Dark Eldar
Secondary: Warriors and Wyches hold 5 points of objectives. Templars contest center objective. Sisters hold 2 points of objective (quad gun). Both sides killed 2 points of fast attack.
Secondary: 3 points to Necron/Dark Eldar
Teritary: First blood (sisters). Slay the warlord (sisters). Neither has linebreaker.
Teritary: 2 points to Sisters/Black Templar
Final Score: 7-2. Necron/Dark Eldar Win!
This was a really fun, and really close game. It was back and forth the entire time. If the game had continued, I'm confident the Black Templars would have swung the battle in the imperium's favor.
My poor ability at rolling reserves kept the sisters on the back heel for a bit too long. (around 600 points of templar force in reserve). Everyone recommends against an "all in one basket" style of play, and you can definitely see why. I thought it was a bit more fluffy to have them all show up at once :).
I made a gamble to try and push the Necrons off the center objective at the end, hoping they would have fallen back or been wiped out. Macuthu rolled hot, and made his leadership roll. Had they failed, Sisters and Black Templar would have won secondary, and taken the game. (That's how close it was).
Hope you enjoyed this battle report! If you'd like to check out more, check the menu at the top of the page, or any of these links. Thanks for reading!