Welcome back to the final bat reps of the Narrative! These two are amazing! First one was vs Craig and Amanda, two awesomely drunk people who are great to play with (craig blew me up one of the previous years, and now he got his wife in the action of blowing up greg's stuff), and my partner was Dave, who you will remember from the awesome landraiders last year. (He's playing Khorne daemons). Big stompy things vs big stompy things! My type of game! Dave also won best painted this year! Congrats Dave! Well deserved! As you can see, this matchup was gonna be a blast from the start. Big giant stompy things vs big giant stompy things. Dave's daemons are incredible. As you can expect, this game made khorne very happy. Amanda sees an opening (bad bubble wrapping greg!) and charges a ridiculou distance (boy those galants can move, so jelly), and gets big blue into combat. We do some damage, but down goes blue! Amanda apologies profusely for destroying big blue. (This is the last narrative night game, so we are drinking heavily). I proceed to shoot her knight and the grots wound it! Much cheering in the room. I then assault it with lots of things, and knock it down...that's right, knock it down, because knights can get up now after you kill them! Dave moves his big nasty daemon walkers up, with the blood thirster, and annihilates a spartan and imperial knight on the right flank. The grots take artillery fire, and make multiple 6+ saves, once again, much loud cheering and cursing. Zhardsnark, and Dave's secondary forces wipe out all the enemy infantry on the board. The buggies come in and fire rokkits at things, and wipe out HQ's that were left sitting around. Amandas knight get backs up, kills the morkanaut, (stratagem that lets it fight at max power even with 3 wounds), we knock it down again. Grots do wounds to it in CC. Massive cheering. Craigs deathwatch get out of the spartana (that dave blew up) and do something like 34 wounds to dave's daemons. The right flank collapses. Knock the warlord knight down a 3rd time, it finally dies. Zhardsnark and the buggies make a play for the smaller shooty knight. They knock it down. It gets back up. Everyone is laughing because this is just absurd. Zhardsnark, the buggies, and the big mek all die. The grots become super aggressive. Start killing deathwatch. Is there nothing they can't do? They try to assault everything. The gorkanaut gets into range. Kills all the remaining deathwatch (with the help of the grots). Kills all the remaining infantry on their side, knocks the little knight down so hard, it doesn't even think about getting up. Game ends. One undamage imperial knight is all that remains of Craig and Amandas forces. We have a half damaged gorkanaut. One grot, and One daemon HQ khorne guy. Because the mission was slaughter, we win because we have more of our forces left intact. The Grots take the day! Amazing and wonderful game! The next day, Dave and I setup to have a fun game vs the armies we played with together in the previous game. Orks vs Khorne! As you can imagine, this game is gonna be FASSSST. We basically charge each other. We do some minor shooting to things, mainly picking off all of Dave's screening forces. The orks in these photos are actually grots. I had packed up my grots (they aren't magnetized) so we just used the boyz as counts as grots. Giant walking daemon thing swings in, gets the first gork. Does something like 30+ damage to it. It explodes, hitting everything in 9 inches with D6 mortal wounds, doing probably 12+ damage to everything around. Daemon princes are winching and the big walkers are damaged. Orks counter attack, can not deal a wound to save their bacon. 9 rokkit's fire at the walker with 4 wounds left, not a single hit. Big blue goes down to the blood thirster (boy that thing hits hard). We also get it down to a few wounds. Can not take the last few off. I charge everything at it. This about summarizes the result. :) Great game, very fast, lovely models! Always great fun playing with Dave! That about summarizes my games at the Nova Open in 2018. Hope you all enjoyed them! Back to the hobby now! (been working on tons of stuff!). Have a good one everyone!
January 2025