So during Magfest. The group of us were trying to grab a quick bite of food and some drinks before meeting up with our friends to play some tabletop (Ticket to ride). We figured we would stop into the sports bar in the hotel since it didn't seem to busy and be in and out pretty quick. Since I'm posting about it, I'm sure you can guess that was not the case. It was a nearly 3 hour ordeal. This is part 1 of the debacle. We were so thirsty.
Magfest was this past weekend. It was glorious. Had so much fun hanging out with the other FYN folks, as well as my other friends around here and my friends from all over out of town. Didn't get to hang out with other people nearly enough, but that could only have happened if there was more time in the day, and I wasn't in the arcade playing fighters or playing the Star Wars miniatures game (which was of utmost priority). I also played the heck out of all the other type of games, but by far my favorites were "Street Fighter the Movie" fighter, all the various Marvel vs Capcoms, and "Pocket fighter" which is basically street fighter merged with puzzle fighter. We also played the hell out of Artemis which is a starship command bridge simulator. It is available on steam just an FYI. Arwyn and I, also got hooked on this ambulance simulator game too, where we couldn't ever save poor Billie.
As I mentioned the other day, Greggles rerolled a bard as his atl toon for our DnD campaign. He was super excited to play him, as it allows him to play into the story more and also play into how the party tends to behave. He especially likes the fact that he can be creative with him instead of just be a traditional tank, while having an interesting character with quirks and roleplaying potential. He really started to get into it... meanwhile the rest of the party is just begging for Barac to stahp.
Sunday we had a DnD session. The party had left off at a keep, facing an adult dragon, a half dragon and a bunch of followers. This was all part of the introduction/chapter 1 of the new campaign. It has lasted 3 full sessions. Considering what the party was facing, some of the party decided to create alternate characters in case I wipe them. Greggles started and realized he could have more fun roleplaying the new toon. Problem being Perci could survive.
Greggles starting looking into new locks for his place. Not sure how that all started, but he did. Some of the electronic locks out now and in the near future are very interesting. They have some really cool features. I've looked into them before as well. Some, allow remote access via apps, and electronic guest keys. Turns out there are some caveats to features, like limited amounts of "electronic keys" including the guest keys as well. LAAAME. Some of the cool functions is that you can have keys expire at a designated set time, so you never have to worry about who has the key access and what to do with access.
Hester bought me a haemonculus model for my Dark Eldar army as a christmas gift as I'm sure you wonderful visitors of feedyournerd are aware since he is blogging about the progress he is making on it. He is putting it all together, base and all.. and painting it. He understands now how much of a PITA Dark Eldar are to deal with. I am grateful for all the effort he is putting into it, as I don't know how much I would have, and since he does a significantly better job at it. Also, I do not envy the pain that cutting the sprues give and the results of feeding them with pain.
So the Antman trailer was released. Of course it was after a teaser trailer to a teaser trailer. The marketers tried something unique by making the teaser tiny (ant sized). It was a different idea. I think it was actually pretty damn clever and a great example of thinking outside the box to generate interest. Hey Microsoft, you should hire that team to market the surface pro! Maybe more people would understand what you have. More people than ants who watch trailers at least
Playing with the Dark Eldar and the new power from pain charts is pretty fun. It is nice when your guys are super squishy to be able to negate wounds, and to not immediately get wiped of everything. yu can seriously just imagine going into battle and ending up with just a flesh wound.
First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I almost forgot to change the date on the comic... it is always hard dating things at first isn't it? Hope everyone rang in the new year happily and safely. We had a gathering of friends at the house this year. A lot of people went down sick the last couple weeks, so some people didn't get to come out unfortunately (your immune systems are weak and you should feel bad. wait, you probably already do). I was trying to come up with ways for those sick people to still come over and enjoy the party but not contaminate the rest of us, or go into relapse. Only the obvious solution came to mind.
AuthorShantz - Director of dice rolling failure and comedic timing Archives
November 2017
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