DC had another crazy snow storm last week. It resulted in early releases, and the closings. Some places haven't been open all week. The storms started for real, on friday afternoon. Giant snowball fights were organized for the weekends at various parks and areas in DC. Sledding was allowed and noone could realoly get around via transportation. This resulted in basically a weekend long winter wonderland party throughout DC. I had a blast! I took advantage of all the fun and did all the things. My shoulder is still sore from the snowball fight since I was trying to be nice and just lob snowballs instead of really throwing them. The issue with the storm was that most people expected about 3-4 days of down time. Today is actually the first day that the government is open for business the entire day. People (not me) were starting to go stir crazy.
This weekend was the NFC and AFC football games. But, more importantly it was the premier of the return of X-Files! I used to LOVE that show. I watched the hell out of it. I even had all the sound effects from it on my old school tripod website. If you don't know what tripod is or geocities ask your parents or your IT dept. Anyways, the problem with having all these things on one night was that it was tight scheduling. Tight schedules are never good.
Last October was back to the future day. The day Marty flies forward to. What he encountered is not much like our current time. Although can we all agree those outfits were pretty badass. One thing that is somewhat close to the time in the movie is the Hoverboard.... fucking "hoverboards".
I spent all monday working on the comic... or at least attempted to. Anytime I left my office, I would come back to the dog blocking my way, or sitting where I needed to be. when that wasn't going on, She likes to paw my leg and wimper til I play. She is adorable, and needless to say, I get distracted.
The other day we were talking about how hard good salmon is hard to make. Greggles declared no one could beat Awryn's and that he was sure he could even get his fiance's father to like it. To which I was like "guess that means you are taking her to meet the fiance's family?" Greggles mentioned that she had already met the mother. I was aghast! How could he already have introduced Awryn! Greggles quickly reminded me that I had actually met the mother already as well, and that she liked me. That brought back the memories that I had met both the Father and Mother and we had a wonderful time together (My memory sucks when trying to pull up things unprompted and without some reference). Needless to say I decided to mock Awryn with my superiority.
Supposedly North Korea tested an H-Bomb the other day (there is currently some skepticism if it was truly an H-Bomb or something else). In retaliation, South Korea started playing propaganda messages over loud speakers that sit along the the entire border. This includes playing KPOP music at the North (Kpop being an internationally popular style of music based from Korea). The North declared the psychological attacks brings the two halves to the brink of resuming the war.
As a bonus I am including a link to another comic I made (if you actually read these write ups). Based off Sketch Daily's recent daily topic to draw... it may be a little NSFW (not for nudity...). Leading up the opening of Star Wars The Force Awakens, Greggles avoided everything related to it. He didn't want to have anything spoil the viewing. I on the other hand, read up on all the things and kept my face planted in the social media to get every bit of historical data to the events in the movie. I did stop watching the TV trailers the 2 weeks leading up to it though. I felt those were getting a bit too spoiler-ific. So going in I knew a good amount of what preceded the movie's point in time. Problem is, Greggles is usually one of the people I talk Star Wars with. He was starving me of the opportunity to bounce facts and theories off!
I don't do New Years resolutions. I usually randomly get inspired to do stuff throughout the year, so I don't feel like I need to do a list at the beginning of the year. I don't know where or who I will be in the future. It is better to adapt. I realize a lot of people do make resolutions (as evident based on the number of new gym members nationwide). I have nothing against it. More power to you in going for "new year, new you". Shoot for more. Improve yourself everyday. Learn to do things that help or better yourself
AuthorShantz - Director of dice rolling failure and comedic timing Archives
November 2017
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