On Saturday, I brought my Xbone over to the house of greggles to play it side by side and so I could try the other end of it. When you can see the direct results of what you are tapping, it turned out to be way more fun. It was already fun, but it was awesome seeing it in real time. So much fun that I was tempted to yell "NO TAKE BACKS".
I will elaborate on the app. It allows yo to jump into people's games and create an instance that takes him out of his current game t make a mini game. The player drives through the city through checkpoints earning more time and money as he goes. The app user, controls a helicopter that when in range of the player, gets powerups. These powerups allows you to bring in various police cars, and mess with stoplights, road barriers, steam pipes and a number of other things. I highly recommend it, and even more so if you know someone with the game to see how you directly compete with them.