Welcome my friends! Boy do I have a post for you today. I finished not one, not two, but three new deff dreads for my deathskulls. I was a painting machine this last week!
Hey everyone! Hope your Adepticon prep is going well! Been enjoying seeing what everyone is working on! I'm still slugging away at my final pieces for my dread slam list. The first of which is an old school Big Mek!
Welcome back everyone! Put the finishing touches on my megatrakk scrapjet finally. Another buggy for the army!
Hey everyone! Welcome back! Been prepping for adepticon, and trying to get my lists nailed down for pickup games and the friendly. I'm "trying" to bring two completely different 1500 point lists to adepticon. We'll see if it happens. Got myself some stickers that I'll be handing out. Just a silly idea from the painting chat that came out pretty good! Please do not apply to ones butt. :) (Note if you want a sticker, let me know after adepticon, and I'll have a second batch that I ship out to peoples).
January 2025