Welcome back everyone! Another short update week. Since I am basically painting the same things as before, (and at a snails pace), I don't have too much to show you! Finished the metallics on the next unit of 10...which are now going to turn into units of 14. (go figure!).
Short update this week! After four posts last week, just slowly painting up the next ten deathguard. Almost done the metallics, then its off to chipping and washes! Been working on the 30k list as well. Right now looks like about 20 tactical marines, and roughly 40 heavy support squads. (10 missile, 10 hvy bolter, 10 autocannon, 10 vulkite) Seems deathguard to me. (no vehicles).
Hope everyone is having a good week! Welcome my friends! My post is a bit early this week, as I am off to Adepticon to spend time looking at and enjoying all the miniatures! I haven't been slacking off though, and have been painting up a storm! First off, finally made a jaw up that I liked for the grot knight! Transferred the claw over from the ork knight, and packed him up to show off at adepticon (maybe with some queen bee face off shots!)
Welcome back friends! This week showcases the first squad of the finished deathguard. Meanwhile Sincain40k has produced nearly half his army, making even Mordain7th raise an eyebrow! :) I beat Horizon Zero Dawn (Awesome awesome game), which let me get back to the hobby stuff, just in time for adepticon! So starting with the finished product first (minus the parts that were still drying because I was too excited how it was coming out :) ).
Welcome my friends. Short update this week. Normally Wednesday is my big painting day, but Horizons Zero Dawn came out on Tuesday...so I just played it on Wednesday instead of painting. Oops! I was able to finish up the bases, and come up with a repeatable scheme. As you saw in the previous post, I painted the bases with a variety of metallics, varnished them, washed them, and then dry brushed a sharp highlight on them. This was to prepare for the powder stage.
Welcome back friends! This week brings us to continued work on the death guard. I got some of my ebay orders in, so was able to get started on the champions as well (my FW bits are at adepticon for pickup!) So I finished the metallics on the guns, pads, and models. This takes the longest period of time, as I have to brace my brush to have some measure of control, so I stay within the lines. Because the white/cream is shaded, its difficult to cover up mistakes with paint. They look white in the photo, but there is subtle shading going on that pops up at the enamel level.
Welcome my friends. Small but intense update this week. I finalized the scheme of the death guard, and painted another two models. First up, the death guard! Pretty happy with how they look. They aren't display quality, but they look awesome for the tabletop. The weathering really brought the shoulder pads down, and they look a bit grittier then the photos. (even more so, since this was pre matte varnish). There is also only a few sections which require brush control, the majority of the paint scheme is very loose, which is right down my alley!
Welcome my friends to a most joyous day! I finally have power back to my compressor and paint booth in the garage, and can resume priming and spraying! To start with, I picked four units from a squad to serve as a test bed. Trying to figure out what techniques will work best for painting their cream/green colors. (haven't tried this before). I kept the shoulders on the sprue because they are beautifully set up for spraying (I taped the ones that were facing the other direction). And also glued the bolters to a sprue for some fine tuned spraying! Then I primed everything grey, which is pretty annoying (because its hard to know what you primed), but works really well for everything.
Greetings my friend! I finished the main assembly of the deathguard force. (Minus the FW bits). Just in time for a test game on Saturday! Doesn't look like much for 1850 points! (The point amounts for Nova changed this year, so I had to adapt). It's good I am bringing a new army, because the ork walkers don't work at 1850 points!
Welcome back my friends! Trying to get back into the habit of posting. Just a short update for you all today, as I'm slowly crunching along with the buildup of my #deathguard. I look pretty ridiculous most of the time, as I am wearing the respirator to reduce the amount of fumes I breath in from all the plastic and super glue!
Greetings everyone! Hope the holidays and new year were kind to you all! Forgive my lack of posting, I tend to take a hobby hiatus in the later half of the year and recharge my batteries. (Usually by playing lots of video games!). That time is past, and I'm now in full production mode! Image courtsey of Sons of Dorn. (I didn't paint this guys!). This is the scheme I am most likely going to try to emulate, with a bit of differences based on my own style.
But Greg what happened to emperors children??? |
January 2025