Welcome back friends! It's been a crazy hectic week. I was able to hit up all the walkers with a purple pass, including the stompa. So now every one of the walkers is at the same state in paint! I also attended Magfest 2015, played some x-wing, and changed my LVO list to be "friendlier". Lets start off with Magfest, since that is the freshest thing in my mind. Magfest is a video gaming convention held in the National Harbor at the Gaylord hotel. It is similar to an east coast "pax lite". There is a room full of arcade cabinets, another room with console and indie games, a tabletop section, and multiple concert and panel halls. Magfest has grown steadily in the past few years, and now is easily hosting over 10,000 gamers, tabletopers, and cosplayers. I mainly just hung out with the FYN crew, played a few games, went to the powerglove concert, and played some xwing. I was hoping to catch a 40k game or two, but they didn't have the table there this year.
Wow, it's hard to imagine that the "big" game has been done for two weeks now. That means that for the next installment you would expect that I'd be busily painting away to get to my next 1000 points. But then, you'd be wrong. After finishing the write up, I just sat looking at my desk for several days. Sort of post-Olympic gold medal winner funk...except that I didn't go to the Olympics or win a gold medal. I just got the funk. It happens to everyone at some point. So after not getting anything put together or painted by using my mind (Eldar FAIL), I started thinking about next steps. Now, to help me get there, i.e. next 1000 points, I wanted to add something interesting to my list that would be fun, yet effective. I attempted to get a Lynx off of ebay, but the bidding on that exceeded my budget, so I had to wave bye-bye to that one. I would like to get one of those sometime as I love the model and I think it would be fun to play with. So, I finally resurrected Illic Nightspear from his Simple Green bath and got him primed again. The goal this go around would be to get him painted and sealed with something transparent. That grey primer I used last time seals very well, but is lacking in the transparency department.
Welcome back everyone! I spent a good chunk of time over the past week getting all the ork dreadnoughts to the same level of paint. All now have two coats of browns (and one has some purple!). Progress is going slowly, but progressing across a wide front. I also ordered myself the relic boardgame, and it's expansion...mainly for the amazing busts. I've only seen these covered a bit in other blogs (like Roemers), so I thought I'd give you all some nice photos of the entire collection! Relic is a 40k style boardgame, where you can level up characters, and work towards saving the galaxy, yadda yadda yadda. That part isn't important. What is important is the quality and number of busts this box comes with!
[Last week we saw the full deployments of the combatants, climaxing in the Imperial forces countering a strong play by the Eldar kin around the device known as, "The Artifact". The Brotherhood from Titan deployed two Purifier squads at the artifact and nearly swept the skies with a successful execution of Cleansing Flame.] +++ VOX INTERCEPT: T3:J7-65125
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9 +++ BATTLE PROTOCOL: VERMILLION SOURCE 1: Prepare yourselves, my brothers. The hour is dire. It appears that their plan is to isolate the artifact and deny us access. They must fail. We will not be denied. Brothers of Titan! With ME! +++ VOX COMM TERMINATED +++ VOX INTERCEPT: T3:J7-65125 +++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9 Foldio Review! Starting off...one of the first things I got for my bday was the Double LED Foldio! It's basically a portable lightbox, but very well made, and wonderful to use and take photos through. As time goes on I slowly replace my old jury rig solutions with actual ones. I'm hoping this lets me present better photos of everything I create! I've written a little review here, (you can also click the image or title), if you'd like to know more! They are also doing a kickstarter for the second generation foldio...check it out here, it's got 2 days remaining if you are interested! I love Ork walkers. If this was not apparent from the multitude of posts on the subject, then it should be now! This past week it was my birthday, so I got a great number of most excellent presents, some of which will help me to obtain my painting goals! I also found out that weebly has finally integrated disqus commenting, so I updated it. This has one very horrifically sad effect (deleting hundreds of comments), but should hopefully enable easier commenting in the future. If you hate disqus, please let me know! You'll start seeing all my models get photographed in this glorious device. It makes an AWESOME difference and really showcases the models. And speaking of models, I got a lot more work done on the walkers!
6 x 5 man squads in Venoms 5 x Ravagers 1 x Incubi in Raider 1 x 10 man squad in Raider 5 x Scourges 3 x Razorwings Void Raven Eldar OOB Eldrad Karandas 3 x Spirit seers 2 x Wraithlords Bright lances/Flamers Wraithlord ghost glaive/Flamers 2 x 5 man Wraithguard, Wraith cannon 1 x 5 man Wraithguard, D-scythe 1 x 5 man Wraithblades 3 x Wave serpents 1 x Crimson Hunter Exarch 2 x Crimson Hunters 1 x Razorwing Destroying the building and all it's inhabitants. Do you like giant walkers? Do you like rolling endless amounts of dice? Is Green your favorite color? Then you've come to the right place...because I'm working on an ork stompa, which brings new meaning to the word "Dakka Dakka!" Where did we leave off? Hmm...I was frustrated with stompa magnets, putting stuff on the stompa, cleaning the stompa, thinking about priming the stompa...basically the kit was draining me. It's a mighty big kit...I mean the little turret on his shoulder? That's a killa kan body. That's how big this guy is! So one of the problems I ran into...was I didn't prep properly with magnets. I used way to small, and way too weak. So I had to spend a lot of time redoing nearly all the magnets. First off, I had forgotten about the little crows nest tower and I glued things on the wrong side...so I had to find a way to both fit it, and allow for transport. (most of this stompa is magnetized for transport, because I want to play with it!) So I found a little spot on the top to take the crows nest, and it worked pretty good.
*** FORWARD TO DRAIGO, GRAND MASTER, ORDO MALLEUS, TITAN *** PRIORITY ALPHA RESPONSE REQUESTED Welcome back everyone! I hope you are all recovering from your holiday illnesses (paper cuts from opening presents), and new years hangovers. I'm finally feeling better, and have dived back into the hobby spectacular! Santa Ork brought be quite a gift this xmas, and the great Gork and Mork looked down upon me, and felt I could use the Dakka of a Stompa! The second I had a chance, I tore into this box, and started building it immediately. As you'll see, this was not the easiest of builds, and I dare say, one of the hardest models I've put together. (right up there with my mega dread!)
January 2025