Happy early Turkey Day folks! This is the continuation of my last post, working on the 60mm deff dread base. Some new things are included in this post, including a small segment I like to call "greg working on something", which is a video with a new mount while I work. Will require refinement over time for sure! I'm also going to adepticon! I got a weekend pass, and signed up for eight painting classes! I'm currently waitlisted for blood, puss, guts, and gore (hehe laugh everytime I think about that), but otherwise got into pretty much everything I was interested in. No tourney at adepticon for me, just going for hanging out and painting! Now off to the bases!
"What in the bloody he-..., what are you doing here?"
"Oh mon, you know aye an aye come to be in on de beat down. I hear dere be some rumble acomin". <silence> "You ok mon?" "What did you just say?" "I say mon, do you be ok?" "No, the bit before that. I heard you speaking, but it's nothing that I recognize and..." <silence> "Since when did you start speaking, I'd always thought you were the strong silent type, keeps to the shadows, strikes from nowhere. Does any of that sound familiar?" Karandas let out a deep laugh, "Oh mon, you know aye an de brotherhood, we talk all of de time, we jus don't talk to de rest of you. You too uptight, no one thinking of de good times ahead. No one havin any of de fun out there!" <silence> "You are totally mad, you know that don't you?" "No mon, we be happy all of de time, no worries for us." <silence> "Does the fact that we are nearly extinct enter into-" Karandas chuckled again, "See mon, that's what be wrong with all of you. Why worry about de end, mon? It be here soon enough. You need to put down those silly jewels mon and go out and have eh life! Live for today mon!" <silence> "I much prefer it when you just show up and not say anything. In fact, please be quiet, I feel a migraine coming on." +++ Hey Guys! I actually did some hobby work this week! This is my first "non test" base for my upcoming army. It's style is going to be the type of base the entire army uses. I hope you like it! When we last left off, I had successfully primed my base. That was weeks ago. I am hobby lazy, so sometimes I just draaaag my feet. But I gotta step it up. Three walkers must be done in time for LVO!
They say "Big Guns Never Tire!" Well, neither do tall ones. So I finished up some big shooters to bolster my walking dead mini-horde. In looking at other people's armies, I don't see many Wraithlords on the table anymore as it seems they've all been replaced with: Now, it's hard to argue with the awesomeness as embodied by the wraith-kerniggit, but it's a shame really because Wraithlords are such cool looking models.
Hey guys! It's me, and no I didn't do any 40k stuff this week, other then read and look at pretty photos of mini's. (And all your blogs!). Instead I dived into my quest to play more steam games I bought and never played. I spent the last week playing darksider, after beating xenonauts. Darksiders is a hack and slash metroid/zelda style game, with excellent music and art direction. It has a god of war style gameplay (with combo's and such), with progression based on unlocks, like metroid freeze beams, or finding the boomarang in zelda. It was a blast to play, and I can't believe it took me so long to finally install it. If you have any interest in it, wait for the sales on steam around black friday and xmas. It'll be a few dollars. (I played it with a xbox360 windows controller). On to other subjects! As I talked about last week, I'll now share what channels I visit for painting/building tutorials! I hope you find some of them useful! (Greg is being super lazy cause it's cold...you guys are all far to productive!)
(Honda works some more on his awesome wraithlord/wraithguard, and wows us with stabby bits.) Prologue "They've done it again." Ethanaal looked up from his gem and asked, "Who has done what?" The nexus is open on "She-who-weeps-pale-zephyr-tears-beneath-the-seventh-moon-of-Arandinell". "WHO DID THAT?", Ethanaal sat up. "Uh, the round ears." "By the unburned boot laces of Kaela Mensha Kaine, won't those spoiled children ever leave anything alone? I am sick and tired of cleaning up their messes. I am of half a mind to just let them live with the consequences of their actions!" "Well...we did do that a few millennium ago and I believe the round ears still refer to it as the Age of Darkness." Rebuked, Ethanaal gritted his teeth and spat, "Then what in the twenty seven maiden worlds of Xandinorr are we supposed to do? Are you telling me that we're just supposed to let them wander around like blind idiots sticking their fingers into every dark nook and cranny in the galaxy to see if it blows up in their faces?" "If it were only that simple, my lord." "Oh, what a bother. Fetch my armor, we might as well get this over with. Just once, I'd like to be able to sit down and finish the gem I am reading without one of their ridiculous interruptions." *** +++ ASTROPATH RECEIPT 234.943.077.21.490.3 +++ ORIGINATOR DELPHI9-XI4-OMICRON77 +++ ADDRESSEE: IAPETUS +++ LEVEL: CRIMSON-3 EXPLORATOR TASK FORCE ROMULUS HAS GONE DARK. INVESTIGATE WITH FULLEST SCRUTINY. TITAN ASSETS ENROUTE AND WILL LINK AT GCOORD 42363.85674.24254. ASTARTES BELIEVED TO BE IN AREA AND INVESTIGATING LANDING SITE AND SURROUNDING EXCAVATIONS. DO NOT ASSUME ANYTHING. +++ RELAY: END BROADCAST +++ TRANSMISSION END To be continued...
Hey Guys! It's been a slow week on the hobby front. I successfully messed up magnetizing my deff dread arms, and I was in general hobby malaise. It sure was an exciting week for nid players now! I can't help but wonder how different the year would have been had they gotten all their toys with their codex update. So what did I do? Well I watching youtube videos on gaming, and Scott Manly was doing a series on Xenonauts. I had backed xenonauts before kickstarter was a thing, and it was recently completed, so I dived back in...then I remembered why i stopped playing strategy games...they are a major time suck!
January 2025