This is my first double post in one day, back to back. I wanted to try and do this in one single post, but weebly started acting funny at around 160 images...So here is a link back to the first part if you missed it in the blog rolls! So as before, this are photos I snapped while games were in progress, so there is a wild variety of armies, shots, etc. Hope you guys enjoy!
Welcome back guys! I hope you are enjoying all the LVO photos! Yesterday I posted all the army shot photos. If someone set up an army on the table, and I was around, I snapped a shot. Today's photos are of games in progress. Many people didn't setup their army on the table unless they were playing, as you were constantly forced to move them around. In those cases, when I had a chance (I was in the friendly so had round breaks), I ran around the entire floor as quick as I could, snapping table shots. You'll see a lot of variety in these shots, but will have to do your best to come up with thoughts about army composition. I apologize if I didn't have enough time to introduce myself to was a hectic time! With that out of the way. Here are the photos! Enjoy guys! (Note: Some of these photos are out of order. I was experimenting with how large I could make each gallery without breaking weebly, so I went back and added some more to the first galleries. It's a lot of photos, so please forgive me. Sorry mobile users!)
Greetings everyone! I took around 700 photos while I was at the LVO. Anytime I got, I was running around with my monopod (large selfie stick as pointed out by one gentleman), snapping photos of games, armies, you name it. Time was so limited, that I could barely spend more then a few seconds at each table (256+ players!) before moving onto the next. If you are not in here, I'm sorry, as I tried to get everyone (watch out for part 2!) This post is primarily dealing with "army" shots. That is an army laid out for display, or in a non gaming setup. I apologize if the photo is of your army not setup the way you wanted. Time was critical in these photos, so sometimes they might not be your army at it's best. I think all the armies are beautiful though, and want to showcase them to all that are interested! These were tak
I'm back from LVO, and what an absolute blast I had. Fantastic games, great people, and super surprises! For those who don't want to read further, the ork walkers went 2-2, and I the Deff Dread took a Bronze, and the Killa kans got a Silver in the journeyman painting competition!!!! I'm currently working on going through the 700 or so photos I took, which will show up as a photo dump later this week! Then I've got battle reports from each of my battles, and a review on the case that took my entire army (checked on the plane), to and from LVO! Going to be a lot of posts, so hold on tight guys! Lets start with the last bits first...on the last day, I decided to follow the advice fellow bloggers have always given. Whether or not you feel you can win in a painting competition...always enter. It forces you to keep your game up, introduces you to fellow talent, and you will get direct and honest feedback from judges. So with that in mind, I was particularly happy with how my walkers had turned out after the powders, so I entered the deff dread and the killa kans as a squad...
There is a time in every painters mind, when he looks at his army, and goes "Hrm, those guys don't look quite like the other" and makes an exhausting and time intensive decision to completely redo the "different" models. After playing with Todd over at Sincain40k, I wasn't happy with seven of the dreads. They were in an old scheme, and looked wildly out of place. Well I decided to weather them up to match the other dreads. First off, the Army Shot! This is the glorious army I've bringing to LVO Narrative! It's BROWN! :) I'm pretty happy with them now, as at least they are all in similar tones, and look like they belong together. The stompa is also rusted up, but i haven't been able to seal him next to start the next phases (it has been around -10C lately!)
This week's post is going to be a fair bit about works in progress. If you've been following our crazy little adventure, you'll know that we've just finished Part I of a three part narrative track featuring Apocalypse battles. The first part featured four players, each fielding 3,000 point armies. Part II will up the ante, each player committing to fielding 4,000 points as we look to mix things up a bit and expand the overall scope of the story.
In previous posts, I indicated that I was putting together a wraithknight, hence all the "giants" stuff. I'll just say this now, I knew they were bigger models, certainly not Titan sized, but I had no idea how big "big" was going to be. A wraithknight is freaking HUGE! Orks are constantly looking for a bigger, better fight. Especially onces jammed inside of walkers with nothing else to do. So I took the stompa and the crew over to sincain40k's for a Eldar vs Ork super bash! Little I did a know, Todd brought a big friend to introduce the Stompa too! More friendly LVO practice...and as you might guess, practice at enjoying yourself in all gaming situations! :) . I was also able to get some oranges on the gorkanaut. I couldn't get to the stompa in time (that will be for an tuesday post next week, with a case review!), but I was able to seal sixteen walkers when the temp was 50F+. All that is left is pinning a few models to bases, and travelling to Las Vegas!
Gazing out from his shadowed perch, Titus could see nothing but desolation. His view was filled with the image of a corrupted landscape bent down under the weight of a flaming sky, twisted by great funnels of energy ripping the ground like a raptors claws. Much like his time attached to the Artifact, his aimless wanderings through this forsaken land had taken on the timeless qualities of old myths and legends, save that he was the poor soul lost in this endless sojourn.
Of late, he had begun to look up to the skies, as if in search of an answer. *** Welcome back everyone! Got an exciting post for you this week. My first test game with the walker mob...against the new Necrons! I also started hitting all the models up with bright oranges for the final rust stage, and will be sealing them (then chipping fluid) this Wednesday (because it's 10C!!!) You'll notice right away (those of you with enhanced optics) that the three killa kans in front look a bit...brighter. That's because I started with the orange layer this past week!
The Eldar kin had some good phone calls this week, helping us focus on the next part of the narrative. For those who might be wondering what that narrative might be, please refer to the following link. Don't worry, I'll wait till you get back.
January 2025