In the meantime, I used him to represent some other models, played around with him some, and generally moved him about.
Greetings everyone! This Thursday post continues my quest to finish my ETL III vow before the friday deadline. In this case, I was working on a Witch Hunter Inquisitor and having a blast. Until something horrible happened.... About a year or so ago, my friend Jeremy gave me this metal model as a gift. At the time the model was so intricate and detailed, I put it on the side until I felt I had leveled up my painting skills to give it a decent go.
In the meantime, I used him to represent some other models, played around with him some, and generally moved him about.
What! What's going on? Did Greg finish another model already? That's not possible! Well thanks to the warp staying in check, I was able to get a good deal of time to work on painting models this weekend. I split my final ETL vow into individuals (instead of trying to paint all four at once), so it's rapid fire completion time! This is the chaplain from the GW Reclusiam Command Squad Box. I wanted to use this fellow for a counts as Grimaldus, as that model is quite expensive. I was able to get him separate from the main squad box, but he had a few problems. Greeting friends and random google searchers. I have a new favorite GW sculpt. It is this terminator chaplain, which I have just finished. This is such a beautiful model. Such a dynamic pose. I love it! Since the last time, I've done an enormous amount of work. I meant to take photos, but when I get into the grove of working, I tend to forget...then suddenly I'm five stages further along! This makes it a bit difficult to fill content for the blog, because I throw out a good post or two of WIP's :) Another weekend of not much hobby progress. I'm starting to get project overwelmed lately. I should have waited to get the ork stuff till after I finished my templars. Now I'm swapping back and forth and getting confused on what step I'm on! I decided to narrow down my field, and concentrate on finishing one HQ at a time. I picked the chaplains first. Terminator, then power armor. I threw some blu-tact on the arms so you can see the model as it stands. Almost all the base coats are now done. Back from the beach and onwards to duty! I must turn towards my ETL vows and finish my Templars before continuing on my Orky devices! Now on to some progress shots! Worked on the templars for a few hours this evening. Just some base coats. I started working on the bottom layers of gold/bronze. Covering four HQ's with even a base coat takes some significant time. This is also the first time when you start seeing the model come to life, as bits and pieces start coming to the surface. This chaplain terminator model for just covered in detail. I keep finding more and more pieces of glorious exquisite detail. A sea of salty tears for what they have done to my poor Killa Kans! (but oh what tank bustas!) Trying a mobile post. Hope everyone is having a good one! Just pre-ordered Stormklaw and made reservations for Nova!
Quick update today guys! I'm off to the beach for a much needed vacation...but one of my Dragon Forge orders came in, so wanted to share it with you! This is being used on my Mega Dread so he'll work as either a Mega Dread, or a Morkanaut! Read on to see the quick comparison shots.
Greetings my fellow internet readers. Today's post is how I didn't do a single hobby thing this week, and instead spent all my free time playing video games. The video game in question? Divinity - Original Sin by Larian Studios. It has trapped me hook line and sinker. Even my workbench can't pull me away from the game. It reminds me so much of fallout 1 and 2, that I just can't stop playing. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. (especially if you got a three day weekend!). I had a blast hanging with friends, BBQ'ing, eating crabs, and playing Divinity online. (soon to have a review). I also got some time to put a few coats of wash on the grots!
Welcome friends to the new blog posting schedule. Trying a Thursday/Monday schedule. We'll see how it goes. Should give me slightly more flexibility in timing my posts, so I don't feel so crammed up. I guess I could start just going on rants and such, but I'll stick to the hobby part for now! This week I'm working on hull point markers for the morkanaughts. I saw a fellow blogger use a spirit seer to rotate and point out the remaining wounds on his wraithknight...thought about what I could use for bout some Grots!!!! My idea is to put five grots on the base/model of the mork/gorkanaut. These will represent the remaining hull points on the model. Remove as the model gets damaged. Easy to see how many are remaining without fussing with dice! |
January 2025