Hey everyone! Hope your Adepticon prep is going well! Been enjoying seeing what everyone is working on! I'm still slugging away at my final pieces for my dread slam list. The first of which is an old school Big Mek!
Welcome back my friends! Sorry for my lack of posting, but I haven't been slacking in the painting department! I've just be lagging updating the blog (but keeping instagram and twitter up to date). I'll round you all up on what I've been working on lately! First off, a photo of a big mek with shokk gun I painted a few years ago! (Sept 2010 to be exact!). Lets see how I've done across the years!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been blogging as much (but still keeping up on twitter and instagram), but I have been very busy Hobbying away. This is one of the first years where I left Nova, and immediately continued painting. I've also been extremely excited about the orks, and been planning and painting away some of the new units. First up is one of the new Jump Dragsta's!
January 2025