Welcome back everyone! This week I actually got in some games of 40k (with orks), and did a ton of hobby work...but as you'll see, sometimes you can spray and build for hours and have absolutely nothing to show for it! To start out with, I inventoried the sicaran, and snipped off the main pieces, sanded, took off mould lines and flash, then soaked and scrubbed them all. So as you can see this pile of resin is basically hours of work. It's pretty at least?
[Last week we saw the Imperial forces fully arrayed against the Eldar menace. Unfortunately, the Eldar kin did not deploy initially, causing confusion in the ranks of the Imperial war machine. When the Eldar kin did deploy, the Imperial commanders discovered that they had been lured into a trap. Not only had the Eldar kin hidden behind the blind barrage laid out by the Imperial supporting units, but were taken aback to find that a host of the gigantic Dreamwalkers had completed their encirclement and arrived behind the Imperial's strongest flank. Soon volleys of wraith weapons began to rend the cornerstone of the Imperials left flank, a gigantic Baneblade constructed of golden armor. Yet the Imperials had their own tricks to reveal]
Welcome back friends and future patrons! :) I'm slowly getting back into my hobby grove, so didn't quite make my normal wednesday post, but made it to thursday! This week I actually painted some, and got to work on an old project I've been dragging my feet on. Macathu's remaining wraiths/canoptek spyder. I previously painted a group of them using my brush skills...this time Macathu asked if I could use the airbrush! Though Macathu appeciates how I obsess over detail, he made sure to tell me "block in the colors with that glowy effect". So I set out a plan to use the same purples, but over a zenithal style highlight...well, more like me adding interest with grey primer!
+++ VOX INTERCEPT: C7:L5-0051
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.715.9 +++ BATTLE PROTOCOL: VERMILLION SOURCE 1: There is something wrong. They are toying with us. SOURCE 2: M'Lord, the barrage has interdicted a majority of their attack vectors. SOURCE 1: Fool! This battle is not about what we do. The outcome will be determined by what they do. +++ VOX INTERCEPT: C7:L5-0051 +++ VOX NODE: 430.823.715.9 +++ BATTLE PROTOCOL: VERMILLION Hey Guys! Sorry I've been so quiet lately. When an RPG grips me like pillars of eternity, I can't stop playing it till I beat it. When the game takes 40 hours to beat, you can see where this eats into a lot of free time! Well I beat it last night, immediately releasing it's grip on me, and allowing me to look at the pile of stuff I need to work on. One of the first things I dived into? The kromlech juggernaught warchief I got during their sale. Graven games did a review of him here, and since then, I've wanted one of my own. The idea of a proper sized warboss brings a smile to my face :). I also did a bunch of work on the "bloggers recommend" link. Kinda of a collaboration of reviews I've found on everybodies blogs. I'll add to it as time goes on, and it's definitely a work in progress. (It's mainly for my own reference but I thought everyone else would enjoy it too!) +++ VOX INTERCEPT: I6:A1-3781
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.023.2 +++ BATTLE PROTOCOL: VERMILLION SOURCE 1: Are all defense systems online? SOURCE 2: Yes, M'Lord, all systems are green across the board. SOURCE 1: Is "it" ready? SOURCE 2: Yes, M'Lord, Victa Vult signals that it is ready and...waiting. +++ VOX INTERCEPT: I6:A1-3781 +++ VOX NODE: 430.823.023.2 +++ BATTLE PROTOCOL: VERMILLION Where is Greggles? I'll tell you where..fully immersed in one of the best rpg's I've played in years! Pillars of Eternity recently went live, and it was a game I kickstartered way back when. I never played planescape torment, but was a huge baldurs gate fan. Well this game ticks every single one of those boxes for me. I almost didn't post this week...almost...but then I remembered that come 41k or high water, I'm going to try and post every week. But Greg, I come to your blog for the gorgeous ladies, and non stop tips on how to make a gin and tonic...well fellow bloggers, I'm sorry, but this week all I have for you is....
When I was growing up, I had a fascination with bugs. Along with playing with my green plastic army men, I could keep myself entertained for hours watching bugs. Back then that sort of developed into the idea of growing up to be a famous Entomologist , having a big lab, and watching bugs do bug things.
Things were so simple back then. I had a few terrariums and jars with holes punched in the lid, which eventually developed an appreciation for those that hunted. My favorite bug became this guy/gal: Hey Guys! Welcome back! I don't do any april 1st silly stuffs, so this post is about me stumbling and getting back into the hobby grove of things. Last week was a whirlwind of posts, social media, and blogging, so trying to recenter myself this week! When I got home from adepticon, I had a wonderful surprise in my mailbox...my dragonforge design kickstarter had arrived! So many freaking awesome bases!
January 2025