I do have some sad news though. Our fellow blogger Honda is taking a break from blogging due to real life bumping into his hobby. He will still be reading and commenting and we have a place saved for when he has the time to return. We wish him the best of luck and highest hopes!
Hey Guys! Welcome back! I made another video this week, as well as photos for those of you who can't view video's at "your location". I hope that helps bloggers follow along! I do have some sad news though. Our fellow blogger Honda is taking a break from blogging due to real life bumping into his hobby. He will still be reading and commenting and we have a place saved for when he has the time to return. We wish him the best of luck and highest hopes! I am going to try and split up the posts more, to try and continue the two 40k posts a week on FYN. Leave a comment if you'd rather have more updates with a bit less in the update, or less updates with more meat!
Welcome back everyone! I finally beat the Witcher 3, and laid down my swords for some glue and a mouldine scraper. I had a wonderful time caught in the world of The Witcher, so much so that I bought books to read within the same universe! But now it's time to get back to the hobby, and boy am I behind. First up is the second troop choice in my army, another unit of gretchin! You might be thinking to yourself...hey wait a minute, didn't Greg just finish a unit of gretchin? Is he trying to pawn off that unit to make up for the fact he lost 100 hours of time playing witcher???? I'm not lying to you guys! Look! Not only that, but this time I made a video...so you can actually listen to me talk, and watch me work!
A little hobby appropriate mood music: Busy week and weekend this go around and very little of it bobby related. Given that, I decided to focus on getting something completed. There's something satisfying about finishing things and being the task oriented personality that I am, it does feel good to get something across the finish line.
So bugs... While I was focusing on a larger target, I decided to test a different technique for applying the blood to models, so out came the sponges. The idea behind the sponge technique is to apply color using an irregular shape. The material used is the old figure packing foam that GW used in their blister packs. This comes from all sorts of sources, so even though GW clam packs don't use this material any more it can be found from other sources. If you're not able to secure any, then paper towels suitably crumpled up is a very workable secondary option. I bring you bloody bugs... Welcome back friends! If you came here looking for hobby progress, you are probably going to be disappointed...I've been completely and utterly addicted to the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt...really addicted. I joked with Sarah that she should do a guest blog post today asking who Yennefer is. :) So today I'm going to talk a bit about the Witcher 3, my gaming rig, some books I've been reading! Hope you'll stick around for some of this non painting goodness.
...at last I've found you... First off, "no" I didn't just discover "that". By the way, "Young Frankenstein" is still a brilliant movie and Madeline Khan was "teh hot". NO, what I was excited about is finding this... I know, you're probably wondering what's so exciting about a jar of baby corn? Nothing really unless you are super hungry. What this jar of baby corn contains is my bug dip from many years ago. Sitting on the shelf where I last left it, under the assumption that I'd need it again.
It's amazing how smart I used to be. What is even more exciting is that it's still good, so now instead of having to recreate the tones and color saturation of the previous batches, I can pick up where I left off. Welcome one and all to the grand adventure of tabletop gaming! This week I completely ignore all the hobby work I need to do, play tons of witcher 3 (omfg so good), and meet a new gaming group to play bolt action, with everyone's favorite blogger, John Stiening from 40k Hobby Blog! You might be thinking...BAH bolt action, I'm here for sci fi mini destruction Greg! But this post is more then just about Bolt action, it's about applying a new type of gaming style to table top in general, a new narrative driven battle which brings everyone to the yard for a fantastic game, where each side sets their own objectives, and the battles are balanced and controlled by game masters. Interested? Prepare for some amazing fun! (Special Note: This game deals with World War 2, which means that models painted to represent nazi germany may feature swastikas. I've blurred out the generally apparent ones, (to prevent random internet stuff) but may miss a few. No offense is meant! )
First a little mood music. Ok, now that I've set the tone, what is it with some people? We had some serious rain down here last week. It was a big deal and some people really suffered. That has happened before, many times in fact.
So what's with the whole "world is going to end" thing or science says it's an Apocalyptic Climate Climax or Climate Apocalypse I heard some people ranting about? It rains down here. Sometimes it rains a lot, obviously enough for Stevie Ray Vaughn to briefly comment upon it thirty years ago. EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas. And we're not just saying that because we feel the need to compensate for big hats, big hair, and big boots. Everything is bigger, y'all just come down and check us out for yourself. |
January 2025