Welcome back friends! If you came here looking for hobby progress, you are probably going to be disappointed...I've been completely and utterly addicted to the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt...really addicted. I joked with Sarah that she should do a guest blog post today asking who Yennefer is. :) So today I'm going to talk a bit about the Witcher 3, my gaming rig, some books I've been reading! Hope you'll stick around for some of this non painting goodness.
Hey Guys! It's been a slow week on the hobby front. I successfully messed up magnetizing my deff dread arms, and I was in general hobby malaise. It sure was an exciting week for nid players now! I can't help but wonder how different the year would have been had they gotten all their toys with their codex update. So what did I do? Well I watching youtube videos on gaming, and Scott Manly was doing a series on Xenonauts. I had backed xenonauts before kickstarter was a thing, and it was recently completed, so I dived back in...then I remembered why i stopped playing strategy games...they are a major time suck!
January 2025