For this episode I would like you to consider what is very likely the most ferocious predator in the insect kingdom, the giant centipede.
Centipede - any of numerous predaceous, chiefly nocturnal arthropods constituting the class Chilopoda, having an elongated, flattened body composed of from 15 to 173 segments, each with a pair of legs, the first pair being modified into poison fangs. Yes, my pretties, it is bug time again.
For this episode I would like you to consider what is very likely the most ferocious predator in the insect kingdom, the giant centipede.
Welcome welcome the Greggles home remodeling network. Where I lure you in with talks of orks and hobby, and then quickly throw in some plumbers and dry wall! As you can imagine, this week has been full of doing pretty much everything but hobby. Lacked quite a bit in free time, as most was spent on moving things, cleaning things, or trying to patch holes in walls! But at least the plumber is done with the house pipes now! Lets see what I was able to get to!
Hey everyone! Welcome back. This week was a pretty hobby filled week. Got some work done on my renegade knights, fully cleaned up the deff dread, magnetized, and pinned him all up, and most of the pipes in my house were replaced! Lets get started! As a reminder, the deff dread is for nova open charity. Check it out! He is still missing his main shoulder pauldrons (or whatever they are called), but he is cleaned up and ready for paint. I tried to do a super man pose, as he is just taking off, and I'd imagine the mek/boy inside is quite proud of himself at having the only "flying" deff dread. I also had a funny idea (no idea if I will implement it) at having a grot holding a remote control on the base, with a very very very short cable.
I just have to figure out exactly how I'm going to mount him on a base. I have a few ideas. When it comes to 40K, there's different kinds of smarts, right?
For instance, there are people who figure out how to work list, almost with Machiavellian skill, then there are those who can look at a handful of spare bits from ten different kits and create a masterpiece. And then there are people who aren't like that at all <raises hand>. I would consider myself rather pragmatic, a kind of "out of the box" thinker in day-to-day endeavors, but I'd like to think that I have a healthy dose of common sense. When I see a set of circumstances, I think more times than not, I will quickly evaluate the situation and then come to the conclusion that "that ain't right" (Texas technical phrase). So what kind of person are you? Do you have the ability to evaluate a set of 40K circumstances and make the right decision? Let's proceed shall we? Greetings my plastic addicted friends! Welcome back to another week of Greg making excuses for not posting updates on Thursday! Don't worry, this week I actually did some hobby! So as I was working on the grots for the Nova Open Charity, I realized something...i can't see mouldlines for crap. So I invested in a pair of magical ocular devices. Now I can see every mouldline from here to the eye of terror! So many mouldlines...I think I got the worst batch of grots GW has ever created. At least a good few hours just scraping the crap outta everything.
State of the Onion: Fragrant, strong, and ready for some escalation.
Tau: The expansion program for establishing beach heads on Persephone Prime has been escalated. It is clear that new forms of technology (i.e. Necron) that the Tau seek could provide a significant advantage during the Third Sphere Expansion. The Tau are desperate to capitalize on any advantage that might counteract the significant Imperial resources they might encounter if the Imperium decides to make a concerted effort to stamp out the aggressive growth path the Tau are pursuing. Hey everyone! Welcome back. Bit of a short post this week, as I was on vacation last week during my normal hobby time. Still have a bit of news and some photos, so figured I would stay on schedule here :). First off, my credits and sales of my extra mini's came in, and I was able to get some new toys! I now have the renegade knight box, the betrayal at calth, orruk megaboss, and maw krusha (and a priest from kingdom death) at no cost to myself! (other then the time it took to bag and sell the minis). Have another huge batch to sell off, and that should cover any mini expenses for the rest of this year! The main things I am selling are 1) Mini's I never painted [old craigslist batches], and first generation Greg paintjobs (that would be tons of work to strip and rework. Would rather start from scratch). I also got my replacement leviathan dreadnought torso. It's better, but not perfect (but good enough now!)
I must say that I've been experiencing some pretty wild goings on at my hobby desk. Things that I had been unable to explain until I set up one of those baby monitor cameras and pointed it at the top of my desk.
<below the fold> As some of you are aware, I picked up a Canoptek Spyder model on eBay a few months ago and it wasn't until recently that I had a chance to put it together. Little did I know the chain of events I would trigger once that seemingly simple task, building the Spyder, was completed. It was only a little while after I finished constructing the Spyder, that I began to notice that the contents on my hobby desk had been rearranged. Now, in as active a household as we have, little things here and there are going to move around a bit. Someone will borrow an X-acto knife or glue. A particular color of paint might attract someone's interest, a bottle of glue might shift from the left side to the right, but those are fairly common occurrences and to be expected. I think as a result of my dyslexia, I am very positional with everything I come into contact with. |
January 2025