The bar, it must be raised. (Challenge Accepted -G)
Ok, after last week's 100 megaton photo bomb drop, I think it's safe to come out of the bunker and get caught up. BTW, those "Deff Dread" selfies just cracked me up. However, for next year, I will award extra points for Deff Dread photo bombs. The bar, it must be raised. (Challenge Accepted -G) Regarding our campaign thread, Assault on Pathos IV, we are still scheduled for a 4/11 effort to get Pt. II unleashed...except that last week, one of the team was informed that they were going to be scheduled out of town that day.
(This is my final adepticon 2015 post. On the first day of adepticon, the first tournament started before crystal brush opened, so I was walking around with my entry. Shantz thought it was a good idea to do some deff dread selfies...they came out amazing! So this post is about them, the ork/navigator battle, and misc remaining photos I had! Enjoy!)
Hey Guys! I hope you've been enjoying the adepticon coverage. Today I'm actually going to talk about my experience at adepticon outside of carrying a monopod around and taking 1300 photos. The main reason I went to adepticon was to meet fellow bloggers, #warmongers, and some of my favorite miniature artists. What I would experience is far more amazing and wonderful then I ever could have imagined. (Note: I apologize for anyone whose name I don't remember. Note2: If you go to an event like this, make sure you have business cards, so drunk forgetful Greg can remember you better! This post is also a link fest) I got to adepticon a day before it began, giving me plenty of time to settle in. I wasn't in the main hotel, as it was filled up almost instantly (I really hope I get in there next year, as I really want to participate in the friendly!) so I went exploring!
Welcome back lovers of tabletop figures! Today's photo post is all about shots of combat taking place...on the tabletop. These are photos that are not of stand alone armies, or single figures, but groups of figures facing each other on the tabletop. This post also includes the absolutely stunning Navigator vs Ork friendly battle that I was fortunate enough to take photos of! Enjoy! Welcome back guys! Hope you have been enjoying all these images! Today I'm posting the beauty shots I took from Adepticon. These are close up photos of single mini's, or single groups of mini's, with most of the background out of focus. The remainder of my images consist of these, battle photos (people playing with their minis in a game), and misc photos. So I split them up. Wednesday will be about my experience, and the classes I took. Thursday will be battle photos (including navigator army vs ork army!), and we'll see what happens on friday. Thanks for stopping by! Off to the photos!
I gotta tell you right now, the friendly was the most awesome tournament I've ever seen. If you ever think you have even the inkling of attending a tournament, sign up for Adepticon's friendly. Everyone was having a blast, and it was highly praised! This post isn't just about the friendly though, but also the team tournaments, which had the most incredible displays I've ever seen. Read on to see all the videos and photos I took of these two fantastic events! So the friendly passed out sashes to everyone...and they got merit badges as they played...and drank a TON....
I told you guys there was a lot of photos! Going to be a phototastic week. If you were not aware, adepticon is not just about the grand fact it's not even known for that! (It's known for team tournaments). At any time during the day there were tons of 40k/30k games going on, including a giant 3D space hulk, a pirate game with gigantic ships, xwing, robotech, doesn't end. And neither will the photos for awhile! I will try and separate these into this time I divided up my photo taking into days, so it's a bit easier to associate them into various tournaments...but there is a bunch, so probably a bit of overlap. I also took a ton more video this time (especially of the team tournaments). Well lets get started! Enjoy! (Note: Some of these "Could" be from the's just sometimes people didn't have their armies setup, some people missed the first round, etc etc. I would try and take shots of any army i hadn't seen before!)
Welcome friends and all the new visitors! I'm back from adepticon and boy did I have an incredible time! I'm going to do things a bit backwards this time, and start off with all the wonderful army photos, then add the articles about my time at the event later in the week. It'll be a non stop posting fest of adepticon goodness, so hold on to your warbikes! I went a bit nuts this time, and took around 1200 photos, so get ready for some incredible armies! The above image pretty much sums up how awesome adepticon is. You have to go. Just go. I will be guest writing an article on house of paincakes to tell you all why you should be at that awesome wonderful events! But for now, please enjoy the fruits of my endless photo labors :).
Greetings everybody! Hope everyone is doing well this Adepticon Wednesday! That's right, it is finally time for Adepticon! Today I'm going to talk about what I've been up to in prep for adepticon, (my schedule), meetups, work on my deff dread for crystal brush, and how I transported my orks to LVO. It's a whopper of a post! If you are interested in the case review, click the above image, or the giant button below. If you are ready for the amazing great chipping fluid experimentation, read on! "What do you suppose will happen next?" Titus looked all around him, but did not see anything. "You don't have to look for me, I am here." "W-where?", rasped Titus. "Here" Titus became agitated as he realized that he had involuntarily lifted up his arms at the same time he had heard the reply.
*** It's time friends and visitors! The final battle of the ork walkers in the Las Vegas Open. This would be a special battle, because it would be vs not only a local guy (who I just was meeting for the first time, Stephen), but against his Ork Summoning army! (a list similar to which I was originally going to bring to nova!!). I was unbelievably excited to face Stephen and his Orks, so we set a "play date" for game four. It would be a vicious game, with possession going off on turn 1! And so we begin again! The final battle of the friendly at LVO!
Wow! What a blur of a week. I guess not being imprisoned by the results of Snowmageddon Episode 29 helped a little bit. However, interfaces between the Real World (tm) and Toy World (tm) were pretty infrequent, fairly rushed and as a result, sometimes intense. The good news is that I feel like a made good progress towards our looming April 11th game, which is Part II of the Pathos IV narrative. Those of you with the "deer in the headlights" look can jump here real quick and get caught up. Go ahead, I'll wait till you get back. "Picture" day.
Everyone's favorite day at school, Not! Mom's always seemed to decide to give us haircuts to help us look all scholarly or something. In my case, I always had to wear "wingtips" to school, despite the fact that all the pics were from the shoulders up. As if I didn't already have enough problems being a nerd (because that was back before it was cool), now my Mom wanted me crank the Nerd dial to 13. You've all been waiting for this. It's the royal rumble, the main event, the clash of titans. Walker vs Walker BATTLE! Round 3 would be my absolute favorite round, just because Jason had the exact same idea I had (to bring tons of walkers), only from the chaos perspective. What would follow would be a non stop action packed slugfest that covered the table in death and destruction...and before it ended, one of us would be yelling "ENGINE KILL!!!!" This game was very evenly matched. It was purge the alien, dawn of war, I had nine kill points, Jason had eight. Walker vs Walker destruction!
Hey guys! Originally I was going to do two bat reps in each post, but then it took over an hour to write up and get the last one I am splitting them up. It looks like the east coast is about to get a foot of snow, so I figure this will give us something to read and chuckle about! My second tournament battle was vs Jeff, and his unbound BA terminator army. Though I'd be facing BA again, it was an entirely different army, and was basically the infantry equivalent to my walkers. (slow, but with tons of hammer and invulns). We decided to play each other after just chatting and shooting the breeze. That's how friendly pairings work! It's like a loose tournament of pickup games.
Hey Guys! Welcome back! Today I'm going to run you thought my first Friendly Las Vegas Open battle! Ork Walkers vs Blood AngelsThere will also be some bonus Las Vegas Open images at the end! (That's right, I found MORE!). I was going to do a review of my transport for LVO, but decided to hold that off till I am less lazy. You will also be able to find these bat reps (bit less narrative, but more laid out) over at the battle directory run by the man Cadian Shock! My first opponent at the Las Vegas Open was Justin and his blood angels. I met Justin when the pairing for Friendly GT was announced. "Find someone you haven't played before, shake their hand, and that is your opponent." Justin was waving with his hand in the air proclaiming he needed an opponent, all smiles, so I gravitated right towards him.
January 2025