Welcome back to another #dreadtober update friends and dread aficionados! This mini update brings a few surprises into the mix! As always, please check out the #dreadtober page to see all the mega updates that everyone is cranking out! So the first secret surprise is...I thought it would be fun to reward everyone in some manner or form for participating in this little community event, even though there was no contest, and no prizes...You all jumped in full bore and showered the net with dreads. I am so amazed by the community supporting each other, it's been great. So I had a chat with misterjustin from
Just a quick note to let everyone know that #dreadtober has passed forty members, which is pretty amazing considering this is just a fun event to share everyone's styles with one another. No real update from me this week, as I have been spending most of my allocated blogging time updating the #dreadtober pages daily. We've had a few finished dreads already, and it is looking like an absolutely amazing success! Thank you all for participating and cheering on your fellow blogger/twitterer/artists! Special thanks again to Todd, Mike, and John for helping get this started! Check daily for more updates to #dreadtober!
Welcome #dreadtober enthusiasts! Sorry for the lack of updates. Been having so real life stuff pop up (all good stuff!) as well as becoming addicted to metal gear solid V. At least that was walkers in it, so it's a bit of an inspiration at the same time :) Have to take a moment here and applaud Todd's awesome logo he created for the event. It's been a driving force for the group of participants, and has rallied the cause, showing up all over the googles! Todd is DA MAN! Before I get started, remember that this is just "my update" to dreadtober, and not the main dreadtober page. Dreadtobers main page can be accessed via this button, or by clicking the awesome logo!
January 2025