Welcome my friends. Been a pretty quiet week on the hobby front. Spent more time setting up things for the wedding (and working out back issues) then doing anything hobby related...this is bad because I need to get that Deff Dread finished stat! (And work on my Nova army!!!) I did get one hobby awesomeness though! Finally got a Heresy Book!
Welcome one and all to the great "greggles gets his groove back" post. Where I go nuts painting and update more then once a week. Who would have thought! Quick house update! Got a ceiling fan in the hobby room now. Super score! Now just need to patch all that drywall, buy new desks and completely rework it....but that is for another post! Lets talk about bases!
It's Monday! Surprise! Honda is taking a break while he deals with real life issues, so I've got a weekend update for you on the Nova Open stuff! Check it out! I'm on the artist page now! It's for reals! I haven't been leaving in a Mek's dream! :) Also buy tickets. I'm required to say that for the children, puppies, and kittens. But seriously, I have gotten a bit of painting and work time in.
It had to happen eventually. I'd have to sit down, pick up a brush, and go to work. Luckily most of the garage work is done for the time being, so I could finally sit down and prime/highlight a slew of models. I did my normal multi-spray primer (grey all over, then white from above) to get the ork flesh down. Then I also started on the bases, by spraying all the sand the base color. I'm a bit behind in the Nova Open Charity timeline, so hopefully I can catch up fast.
August 2019