Hello my wonderful friends! Hope you had a lovely week. I just got back from my trip to San Juan Puerto Rico, and came back with a slew of weathering photos for you all to enjoy!
Welcome back everyone! Another short update week. Since I am basically painting the same things as before, (and at a snails pace), I don't have too much to show you! Finished the metallics on the next unit of 10...which are now going to turn into units of 14. (go figure!).
Short update this week! After four posts last week, just slowly painting up the next ten deathguard. Almost done the metallics, then its off to chipping and washes! Been working on the 30k list as well. Right now looks like about 20 tactical marines, and roughly 40 heavy support squads. (10 missile, 10 hvy bolter, 10 autocannon, 10 vulkite) Seems deathguard to me. (no vehicles).
Hope everyone is having a good week! |
January 2025