Welcome back fellow hobbyists! This week I actually take a look at my hobby area, cry a bit, then get to work. So as you might have imagined...the hobby room took the brunt of the house move. All my time and energy was spent elsewear...and coming back to this pile of mess was just disheartening. Well no more! Not only have I been sorting paints and getting everything ready, but I've also been selling off old armies (that i didn't paint) and boxes I didn't want anything to do with...which means more goodies soon!
Welcome #dreadtober enthusiasts! Sorry for the lack of updates. Been having so real life stuff pop up (all good stuff!) as well as becoming addicted to metal gear solid V. At least that was walkers in it, so it's a bit of an inspiration at the same time :) Have to take a moment here and applaud Todd's awesome logo he created for the event. It's been a driving force for the group of participants, and has rallied the cause, showing up all over the googles! Todd is DA MAN! Before I get started, remember that this is just "my update" to dreadtober, and not the main dreadtober page. Dreadtobers main page can be accessed via this button, or by clicking the awesome logo!
Welcome back friends and future patrons! :) I'm slowly getting back into my hobby grove, so didn't quite make my normal wednesday post, but made it to thursday! This week I actually painted some, and got to work on an old project I've been dragging my feet on. Macathu's remaining wraiths/canoptek spyder. I previously painted a group of them using my brush skills...this time Macathu asked if I could use the airbrush! Though Macathu appeciates how I obsess over detail, he made sure to tell me "block in the colors with that glowy effect". So I set out a plan to use the same purples, but over a zenithal style highlight...well, more like me adding interest with grey primer!
Welcome back everyone! Got an exciting post for you this week. My first test game with the walker mob...against the new Necrons! I also started hitting all the models up with bright oranges for the final rust stage, and will be sealing them (then chipping fluid) this Wednesday (because it's 10C!!!) You'll notice right away (those of you with enhanced optics) that the three killa kans in front look a bit...brighter. That's because I started with the orange layer this past week!
Hey Guys! Hope you are having a blast reading about 7th edition that, and 7th edition this. I've been taking this time to try and build/paint as many things as possible. (to distract myself) It's been a very busy few days. I've worked on orks, necrons, dark eldar, and black templar...and tried an airbrush for the first time! ![]() I finally got some time to start experimenting with the airbrush I got over a year ago. It's your bog standard amazon 17 dollar airbrush + compressor. I figured I'd cut my teeth on something cheap and learn the ropes before going for a really nice model. I started with using some vallejo air grey, and just did light passes over the buildings. I somehow jammed up the nozzle for awhile, till I figured out it was my own stupidity. This was a really dark grey, but I was amazed at how it started pulling detail out so quickly. I'm going to do another pass with a lighter grey to add further details, then probably a wash. Anyone have suggestions on a good bulk wash? I was thinking army builder dark tone, since you can get it in the big can. I was also amazed at the painting efficiency of an airbrush. Used 1/3 a bottle, did 6 buildings and two vehicles. Welcome back! Today I'm going to be talking about and showing the details of a campaign I'm running locally, for Macuthu and Shantz. This campaign has been inspired by the amazing ones run by Matt over at miniwargaming.com ![]() The campaign takes place on Obrillion, (a completely made up world). It's only distinguishing characteristics is that it happens to have an odd power source emitting from it which captures the attention of the two forces which will be clashing on it's soil. But it is not solely the domain of combat between the Dark Eldar and the Necrons. Someone else lives on the planet as well.....the orks. I will be trying to run a campaign mission alongside our normal meets. They'll be in their own subsection, and will hopefully grow and expand overtime. If you don't care about the fluff, or the rules, and just want to see dice rolling and plastic figures moving about, click here! Today I'm going to be showing off my hunter/stalker build for the Black Templars, and introduce the campaign Macathu and Shantz will be participating in! ![]() Been working on a hunter/stalker lately to spruce up my anti-air. This is a really nice kit. You can easily swap back and forth between either configuration, and it doesn't require crazy magnets or pinning. Technically if you didn't care about the side sections, you could just buy the turret assembles and slap it on any number of rhinos/razorbacks you may have laying around. There is only one piece that doesn't duplicate between sections. The little antenna you see on the hunter missile launcher. I don't think it looks right with the stalkers guns anyway! (and it blocks their rotation!) Orks and Dark Eldar face up against the Necron Menace in a BAO style matchup! (BAO #1). Click the above image, or the below link to see how this close battle turned out! Orks and Dark Eldar Vs Necrons
It's finally warm in Maryland! Prime everything! Bring out the spray paint! Then suddenly realize that building terrain drink paint like no others. Out of primer and paint now. Sad days indeed for a plastic pusher of minis! ![]() At least I was able to get 4 of the 6 buildings spray painted. I didn't use primer for this (hope it doesn't bite me in the butt later), but cans of krylon fusion matte black. You can see the two giant ones in the backround ready for their coats...once I get another can. I also need to pick up a giant drybrush, and some bulk grey paint. Hey guys! Been another freezing week on the east coast. Still can't prime the buildings. Driving me a bit bonkers. I find the GW primer has issues when it's below 60F, even if you preheat the can. Considering the cost of the plastic figures these days, I tend to just hold off.
So please forgive the next few battle reports with plastic grey buildings. It's mother natures fault. :) It's time for a new battle report! This time the Adepta Sororitas and Black Templar face up against Necrons and Dark Eldar. Who will emerge victorious? Read on to find out! (You can also click the image!)
What a weekend. Had a great time celebrating Shantz's birthday. We played X-wing, 40k, Ticket to Ride, We didn't Test this, Titanfall and Resistance. Talk about a great gaming day! ![]() Welcome all new readers! If you haven't noticed, this is a blog about my warhammer 40k adventures, both in playing, painting, and building. You can check out my articles and battle reports by going to the top menu link. (Greggles-Tabletop). This week was all about getting things off my bench. First I finally scrapped together enough pieces from the imperial sector kit my friend bought years ago, and built two massive buildings. Ork Nob and Emp Champ for scale! One of this will be used along side a tower to provide LOS blocking terrain on the board. Plus they just look cool :). Finally finished the Necron Night Scythe for Macathu! Click the image for the article on how I painted it! If you have trouble clicking the image because the flyer keeps making it's jink saves, click this link instead!
Painting the Necron Night Scythe! ![]() Short post this week! Finished up Imotekh for Macathu as part of my training plan payment. He turned out pretty good...but man do I hate finecast. This was my first time painting a thin model made from finecast, and it was miserable. The model feels like it is going to snap and fall apart at anytime. Extremely brittle when painting, and I worry about it shattering into a million pieces if it falls. You'll notice that his cloak is missing a section that used to stick out to the right. Well it snapped off, and no amount of pinning or gluing would make it right again. The material is just not durable enough. |
January 2025