Welcome my friends! It's been a great week in the Greggles bunker. Lots of green filled out on the to do list! (pun intended!). Lets jump right to it with the finished weirdboy #2! I had a lot of fun with this guy. It's basically just a savage ork boss with a cool lightning staff modification. That's about it. I went to town on getting some glowing effects and they seemed to work pretty well for the tabletop!
Welcome my friends. It's been another crazy week in the mek shop, with boyz being finished off left and right...and then another dozen being thrown back on the table to paint. Never ending waagh for sure! First up, this is a shot of the finished boyz, just to let everyone know I'm just not rephotographing the same ten boyz over and over again :). Today you'll see the finished photos of around thirty boyz (now that they have been varnished, highlighted, and powdered), what I'm currently working on, and some happy surprises!
Welcome back my friends! This week I played a few 8th games. Painted the boyz, and worked on my 8th edition list for Nova! So to start off, here is one of the guys finished. Might go back at some point and work on the teeth, but yellowed teeth look perfectly fine on the orks!
Hey everyone! Welcome back! This week sees me finish building the forty boyz (giving me 30 shoota, 30 slugga) and start putting some paint down. I also got in a few test games with Shantz, and boy did we have fun! (love love love the CP mechanic!). A shot from my crazy production. Let me tell you, the old boyz kits...oh the mouldlines are so awful. So awful! In fact, I actually injured my wrist from all the repetitive scraping and turning. (Don't try to clean 40 ork boyz in a row!) You'll also notice in the center, the waagh banner nob...which I have been trying to get forever. It is quite possibly one of the coolest orks in the GW line!
Hello my friends! I'm back with another short update! I've been building ork boyz in assembly line style...coming up on almost 30 build with 10 left to go (that will give me 60 total because math). You'll also notice my weirdboy in the center, which is a converted shaman from the orruk line (with a greggles staff!).
Hey Everyone! Sorry for my lack of posting. I was pretty lazy the last few weeks and didn't have much to show. I don't like posting empty blog posts if I can avoid it. But that is all in the past now, because I just bought 40 ork boyz. I know there is only 20 here, but the rest are coming. The plan is to run 30 shoota boyz and 30 choppa boyz alongside the walkers in the new edition. Going to vary up the list a bit...especially because the walkers are RIDICULOUS now, and I don't want everyone to hate me :)
Welcome back everyone! Another short update week. Since I am basically painting the same things as before, (and at a snails pace), I don't have too much to show you! Finished the metallics on the next unit of 10...which are now going to turn into units of 14. (go figure!).
Greetings my friend! I finished the main assembly of the deathguard force. (Minus the FW bits). Just in time for a test game on Saturday! Doesn't look like much for 1850 points! (The point amounts for Nova changed this year, so I had to adapt). It's good I am bringing a new army, because the ork walkers don't work at 1850 points!
Welcome back my friends! Trying to get back into the habit of posting. Just a short update for you all today, as I'm slowly crunching along with the buildup of my #deathguard. I look pretty ridiculous most of the time, as I am wearing the respirator to reduce the amount of fumes I breath in from all the plastic and super glue!
Greetings everyone! Hope the holidays and new year were kind to you all! Forgive my lack of posting, I tend to take a hobby hiatus in the later half of the year and recharge my batteries. (Usually by playing lots of video games!). That time is past, and I'm now in full production mode! Image courtsey of Sons of Dorn. (I didn't paint this guys!). This is the scheme I am most likely going to try to emulate, with a bit of differences based on my own style.
But Greg what happened to emperors children??? Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates, but this is the week of my wedding to the lovely Sarah, so everything has been a bit hectic but wonderful. Also had the contractors finally come and finish off the entire garage, including all the insulation, drywall, new door, plywood...crazy amount of work. I did do some hobbying though, while all this was going on! I've been working on the kingdom death mini's, putting them together, and playing the game...talk about tough. Makes Dark souls look pleasant! That is about it for now! Hope everyone has an amazing weekend! I know I will! Welcome my friends! This week is all about the knights, with a bit of Nova auction fun at the end! Grab your grots and scrap and lets dive right in! Last bits of conversions since we last talked. Someone mentioned the lame imperial exhausts and said I should stompa it up. Well stompa exhausts were expensive...but guess what wasn't expensive...the khorne lord of war super tank choppy extravangza exhausts. Got eight for 3 or 4 dollars. They worked really well to add some height and break up the knighty look. I also fashioned a missile launcher from a taurox kit, and some ork rokkits (it'll show up later in the blog with more pieces). It fit perfectly in the space!
Welcome back! Another Orky Knight update for you all! This week I finalized almost all of the armor plates (except the torso plates), and started to work on the drivers of the knights. Here is the basic final layout of the knight plates. The shin plates are from the mek gun kits. The thigh plates are from the engine cowls from the dakka jets, and the shoulder plates are from the stompa head. The groin plate is a cut up front armor plate which just had a perfect curve.
Hey everyone. Another short update for you all. Lots of house and wedding stuff going on, so hobby time is limited. On a happy note, we now have a toilet working in the powder room again. Yay! After quite a bit of cutting and sawing, I was able to convert one of the stompa's guns to work with the knight. Still have to fill that gap with some green stuff, but I'm pretty happy with it overall!
Quick weekend update for you all! I had a very productive weekend in terms of both house work and hobby work. Got an entire bathroom repainted (including the taping and painting of all the trim), cut up an imperial knight, painted bases for said knights, and ten shoota boyz. Transferred and cut up the old boyz bases and got them onto the new ones. Few! It's what you have been waiting for! Did the torso chopping work? Well I'm happy to say it did! My theory on the line being a good grab point for the saw was spot on. It was relatively easy (though time consuming) to cut down across the line.
January 2025