So, Gar and I scheduled a couple of story point games, designed to advance the narrative. In general, we wanted to reflect the Tau's resurgence on Persephone and the continued growth of the "Children of the Dragon".
To that effect we wanted to see how many 2000 point games we could get in on Black Friday at one of our favorite places to play, Fat Ogre's.
This was my problem. Most of my army is made out of guys running in bed sheets. Most of Gar's army could be made up of 3+, jet pack bearing, burst cannon toting, guys with no noses. There was never any doubt as to whether or not I have more bodies than he has bullets. I don't.
Accepting that, I needed to be able to interrupt his game plan with the tools I had at my disposal. Pulling out all the Siege of Vraks books, I started formulating an idea of trying to pin the Tau between two bad choices. I wanted the Tau to not be able to just sit back and blow me off the table and at the same time, since a lot of Gar's suits could deep strike or infiltrate, I didn't want him getting up close and personal either.