Welcome my friends! This post covers the remaining battles of trust and rust, and my adepticon 2018 journey! For my birthday this year, I got a half sized tablewar case. (to go with my mini tablewar case). I had heard it can fit in the overhead bin on most aircraft, so went about fitting a list into it. Boy those walkers are huge!
Hey my friends! Short little battle report for you today. I was able to play a few games with my good friend Scott from brushwizard on an amazing table, so snagged a few photos for you all to enjoy. If you just want to see the photos in their full res (well half res, as I always cut the camera res in half before I upload, else it takes forever), just visit the imgur link below. Otherwise just browse the photos while I ramble on about things.
Hey everyone! Sorry for my long absence. Got a lot to catch up on over the next few posts. Hope you are all still around and watching! First off, I apologize again for lack of posting! After Nova I had a nasty case of RSI in my wrists, and couldn't paint, or clean models without some sort of pain. I decided to take an extended hobby break, and concentrated on other avenues such as playing lots of video games. I also participated in a charity tournament with Sincain40k, which I took photos of and never uploaded. (We went 2-1 in that tournament!). To start off with, lets do all the Adepticon Photos!
January 2025