Welcome back everyone! Going to be an exciting post today...I finished a squad! (well mostly finished, I forgot about the ork guy). I also got primer on all the things to paint, to bring the new dreads up to snuff with the existing army. I originally was going to spray on Wednesday, but held back due to how thin the vallejo primer was. Zab recommended I try badger, but that wouldn't get here till Thursday! So since I had some time to kill, I started playing the witcher 3. After 60 or so hours of time was eaten, I realized I had to do something for the blog, and quickly painted up the gretchin and their bases last night during the FLG hobby twitch time!
Keegan gave the tourniquet another twist.
He was having a lot of trouble getting the stump to stop bleeding. Looking around and not seeing anyone left from his squad, seemed to be a sign that he wouldn't have to worry about bionics. Not that he'd mind a new leg, but the way things were going, he doubted the Hospitallers were going to get a chance to save his sorry butt. To be frank, Keegan was a little surprised that he had made it this far. Welcome back to the overpowered ork dreadnought channel. I hope you all brought your teef with you. (for betting purposes of course). Todd from Sincain40k and I were able to play a second game (after the first one) continuing our Nova Open practice. Would the orks fair any better? Would Greg run out of tealight markers again? This time I'd be running a legal list. (Quick adjustment meant dropping the bikes, taking a mega armored warboss, and another dread (mega dread). This won't be my final list, as discussions with FW (they actually answer rules questions!) let me find out I can still run Zhardsnark with a dread mob, he just can't be leading it (no bikes as troops, and can't be warlord).
+++ VOX INTERCEPT: 0DJ:AA-L051 +++ VOX NODE: 284.655.71.982 +++ VOX PROTOCOL: JADE Despite warnings to cease and desist, multiple chapters of the radical tithe evasion cult H.U.R.O.N. gathered together with teams of Non-Administratum authorized news affiliates along with minor delegations from the Simulations Acting Guild (SAG) representing juvenat impaired "B" list actors flown in from the HollyVox sector to stage a protest and demand restitution for alleged, "Crimes against the Imperium". Notable individuals from SAG included Afflex the Grim, Leonidus de Kharnio, and the artist formerly known as "L". The subversive elements portrayed by actors, claiming tribal affiliations with the tithe adverse H.U.R.O.N-ites, have declared the previously loyal Badab sector as a tithe free zone, no longer under obligation to the Administratum and have encouraged the inhabitants to "take their hard earned Imperial credits and their treasured first born and spend them as they see fit so they can live the lives they truly deserve." Administratum officials who were not authorized to comment directly on events occurring in the Badab sector surprisingly, refused to comment. Unnamed Inquisitional sources were quoted as saying, "This isn't some ridiculous vox screen parody for unemployed poseurs. The Inquisition does not negotiate. Our beginning position is fire and complete desolation." +++ VOX INTERCEPT: 0DJ:AA-L051
+++ VOX NODE: 284.655.71.982 +++ VOX PROTOCOL: JADE Welcome to the RUSTY DOME! It's rematch time, and a clash between bloggers! Todd from Sincain40k brings the new Craft World Eldar to face down the rusty walkers of doooooom (and explosions). Dreads would explode, explode, and explode some more! I hope you are ready for a Michael bay series of explosions ladies and gentlemen! But wait...there are two new dreads in the mob! That's right, greggles has been busy! Been on a building rampage lately. Lets see what I've finished up!
Before I get started I need to give credit where it is due for the first image.
Kyle, one of the newest members of our crew generated an updated version of the Texas "Come and Take It" flag to be more Badab appropriate. I think it's a winner and we've decided to label ourselves "Team Come and Take It" should we ever make it to an event. Unfortunately, he has decided to join forces with the Badab secessionists and the loyalists do not intend to let him hang around long enough to collect any royalties. It's sad really. Which causes me to wonder, why do such creative minds feel the need to toss off the beneficent yoke of the Imperium and strike off on their own misguided paths? I suppose that is some debate we Loyalists might entertain after the victorious conclusion of this campaign as we do not worry ourselves too much about the clouded states of mind that seem to be a characteristic of the heretics. Welcome back my non resin constructed friends! This past week I was in a resin paradise (or hellscape depending on how you look at it), continuously cleaning, gluing, scraping, sanding, and fitting various kits. Sincain40k is coming over my place on sat to have a Nova Open rematch (and practice for trios), so I've been trying to get my remaining walkers put together in time! If you are a DC Metro (VA, MD, DC) local, a new gaming group for 40k is starting up at Victory Comics! They have a forum for scheduling games, and will be supporting/covering Warhammer 40k, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, X-wing, Infinity, Warmahordes, Star Trek Attack Wing, and Bolt Action. Please stop by and check them out! Back to the hobby! So my main goal was to get stuff off my gaming table. This meant a lot of sanding, gluing, rubber bands, and fitting!
So last week was quite the typing (and work) adventure, so in the interest of balance and fair play, I shall be offering a slightly lesser portion of hobby fare today because <managing expectations> .
Our group has decided to kick off the Badab campaign from Forgeworld's Imperial Armor #9 and #10. If you are in any way interested in the subject, FW did an excellent job with both of those books and those two volumes are still among my favorites from all that they've produced so far. The good news from a task perspective is that I really don't have anything that I "have" to paint as I'll be using my Templars as stand-ins for the various loyalist chapters. As it stands now, I'll be representing Minotaurs, Red Scorpions and possibly the Fire Angels and Star Phantoms, depending on the scenario. Others will be doing the same and it appears that we have around 8 people able to participate. |
January 2025