Welcome my friends! Another wonderful year at Adepticon! This year was full of great friends, great classes, and great events. Pretty much exactly what you would expect from this event! Before going further, if you haven't seen my photo coverage, just check the following links!
Turns out I took nearly 200 photos with my cell phone as well. These are significantly lesser quality then the camera shots, but if you love miniatures as much as I do, they are still worth a look! Enjoy! This was my favorite crystal brush entry. Her skin was so beautiful.
Hope you are enjoying the photos. If you missed the first set, it is right here! Otherwise, just enjoy the remaining photos. This is from multiple 30k events, long war events, team events, kill team, apoc, gentlemens, aos, you name it. They are a bit disorganized, but I don't think anyone really cares so much as they care about looking at cool miniatures! (Plus it was really hard for me to time them with all the classes!). Hope you all enjoy! Labor of love this!
Hello my friends! I had an absolute blast at adepticon! Such an amazing time! As always, I took a ton of photos while I was there. I hope you enjoy them. Will be breaking them up across two posts to cut down on the website load! Enjoy!
Welcome my friends! My post is a bit early this week, as I am off to Adepticon to spend time looking at and enjoying all the miniatures! I haven't been slacking off though, and have been painting up a storm! First off, finally made a jaw up that I liked for the grot knight! Transferred the claw over from the ork knight, and packed him up to show off at adepticon (maybe with some queen bee face off shots!)
Welcome back friends! This week showcases the first squad of the finished deathguard. Meanwhile Sincain40k has produced nearly half his army, making even Mordain7th raise an eyebrow! :) I beat Horizon Zero Dawn (Awesome awesome game), which let me get back to the hobby stuff, just in time for adepticon! So starting with the finished product first (minus the parts that were still drying because I was too excited how it was coming out :) ).
Hey everyone. I don't actually have a painting update for you all this week. But I'm trying to stay on posting schedule, so here is a post regardless. I am getting close to beating Horizon Zero Dawn, and it is a great game...and when a game is good, I practically need to beat it to get it off my brain. Maybe preordering the new mass effect game wasn't such a good idea....
On the hobby front, I test fit the grot knight in the tablewar case, and he tucks in there just barely. So I'll be able to cart him to Adepticon to show off. Trying to get a few things to spruce him up, as one of the chief complaints about him was that everyone wanted him to have a lower jaw like the ork knight had. Well I finally got one setup to go into place and it looks pretty good. Also working on sprucing up the base, by adding armor plates they tore off the previous knight strewn about! Home to have images soon. Until then, keep painting everyone! Welcome my friends. Short update this week. Normally Wednesday is my big painting day, but Horizons Zero Dawn came out on Tuesday...so I just played it on Wednesday instead of painting. Oops! I was able to finish up the bases, and come up with a repeatable scheme. As you saw in the previous post, I painted the bases with a variety of metallics, varnished them, washed them, and then dry brushed a sharp highlight on them. This was to prepare for the powder stage.
January 2025