But enough about that, what is Greg doing with the Hobby lately?
Hey Guys! Short post today, but trying to stay in the habit of always posting on Thursdays. I just got back from a wonderful vacation in Charleston, SC and visiting my parents in Florida, and now I'm back in Maryland...where it's cold and there is no ocean. The time away from sitting at a computer was wonderful, as was the weather for the most part. The food though...oh my god the food. Was a non stop tasting of everything delicious. If you are a foodie, you will love Charleston! From the first bite to the last, it was a journey!
But enough about that, what is Greg doing with the Hobby lately?
Hey Guys! Sorry I've been a bit lacking in posting this month. #dreadtober has sucked up all my hobbytime allottment. But I am excited to announce that it was an incredible success! We reached 65% complete, with 48 participants! This just blows my mind, as there wasn't a prize or contest at the end...this was just the community encouraging and supporting each other to paint! So well done all of you!
When Todd, Mike, John, and I originally envisioned this event, we had no idea it would take off the way it would. Never doubt the community when dreads are on the line! It's really awesome to see, and really reminds us about how great this community is! It's also taught me a few lessons. 1) Don't try to run a painting event while painting. It doesn't work out very well. 2) Updating 40+ participants takes WAY more time then you think it will. 3) Everyone in the community is crazy super awesome! As such, if you made the Nov 1 cutoff, and are sitting in the master list of #dreadtober, you can contact me on twitter @3dgreg (or leave a note in disqus to have me email you or vice versa) for a special thanks from misterjustin @ secret weapon mini's for participating. If you want to see the dreads in their latest states, click the #dreadtober logo, search #dreadtober on twitter, or just search #dreadtober on google. Otherwise, here is a quick selection of all the dreads in their stages as of today. If you continue to work on your dreads, and use the dreadtober tag (or at least @3dgreg me on twitter or in the comments), I will make sure your dread is updated until we eventually reach 100% finished, even if its not October anymore. Thank you all so much for participating! Thanks again everyone! |
January 2025