Welcome my friends. Small but intense update this week. I finalized the scheme of the death guard, and painted another two models. First up, the death guard! Pretty happy with how they look. They aren't display quality, but they look awesome for the tabletop. The weathering really brought the shoulder pads down, and they look a bit grittier then the photos. (even more so, since this was pre matte varnish). There is also only a few sections which require brush control, the majority of the paint scheme is very loose, which is right down my alley!
Greetings my plastic addicted friends! Welcome back to another week of Greg making excuses for not posting updates on Thursday! Don't worry, this week I actually did some hobby! So as I was working on the grots for the Nova Open Charity, I realized something...i can't see mouldlines for crap. So I invested in a pair of magical ocular devices. Now I can see every mouldline from here to the eye of terror! So many mouldlines...I think I got the worst batch of grots GW has ever created. At least a good few hours just scraping the crap outta everything.
Hey guys! Welcome back! I hope this week finds you all well. I've been enormously productive this week, making headway in multiple projects. I'm not going to cover all of them however, as I want to try and actually get slightly ahead for once in the blog posting! So today I'm mainly going to be posting my Foldio2 Review! You can just click on the photo, click on the link, or click on the button at the end of the post to get to the review. It even has a small video! Woot!
Welcome back friends! If you came here looking for hobby progress, you are probably going to be disappointed...I've been completely and utterly addicted to the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt...really addicted. I joked with Sarah that she should do a guest blog post today asking who Yennefer is. :) So today I'm going to talk a bit about the Witcher 3, my gaming rig, some books I've been reading! Hope you'll stick around for some of this non painting goodness.
Hey Guys! I hope you've been enjoying the adepticon coverage. Today I'm actually going to talk about my experience at adepticon outside of carrying a monopod around and taking 1300 photos. The main reason I went to adepticon was to meet fellow bloggers, #warmongers, and some of my favorite miniature artists. What I would experience is far more amazing and wonderful then I ever could have imagined. (Note: I apologize for anyone whose name I don't remember. Note2: If you go to an event like this, make sure you have business cards, so drunk forgetful Greg can remember you better! This post is also a link fest) I got to adepticon a day before it began, giving me plenty of time to settle in. I wasn't in the main hotel, as it was filled up almost instantly (I really hope I get in there next year, as I really want to participate in the friendly!) so I went exploring!
Greetings everybody! Hope everyone is doing well this Adepticon Wednesday! That's right, it is finally time for Adepticon! Today I'm going to talk about what I've been up to in prep for adepticon, (my schedule), meetups, work on my deff dread for crystal brush, and how I transported my orks to LVO. It's a whopper of a post! If you are interested in the case review, click the above image, or the giant button below. If you are ready for the amazing great chipping fluid experimentation, read on! Foldio Review! Starting off...one of the first things I got for my bday was the Double LED Foldio! It's basically a portable lightbox, but very well made, and wonderful to use and take photos through. As time goes on I slowly replace my old jury rig solutions with actual ones. I'm hoping this lets me present better photos of everything I create! I've written a little review here, (you can also click the image or title), if you'd like to know more! They are also doing a kickstarter for the second generation foldio...check it out here, it's got 2 days remaining if you are interested! I love Ork walkers. If this was not apparent from the multitude of posts on the subject, then it should be now! This past week it was my birthday, so I got a great number of most excellent presents, some of which will help me to obtain my painting goals! I also found out that weebly has finally integrated disqus commenting, so I updated it. This has one very horrifically sad effect (deleting hundreds of comments), but should hopefully enable easier commenting in the future. If you hate disqus, please let me know! You'll start seeing all my models get photographed in this glorious device. It makes an AWESOME difference and really showcases the models. And speaking of models, I got a lot more work done on the walkers!
Hey guys! It's me, and no I didn't do any 40k stuff this week, other then read and look at pretty photos of mini's. (And all your blogs!). Instead I dived into my quest to play more steam games I bought and never played. I spent the last week playing darksider, after beating xenonauts. Darksiders is a hack and slash metroid/zelda style game, with excellent music and art direction. It has a god of war style gameplay (with combo's and such), with progression based on unlocks, like metroid freeze beams, or finding the boomarang in zelda. It was a blast to play, and I can't believe it took me so long to finally install it. If you have any interest in it, wait for the sales on steam around black friday and xmas. It'll be a few dollars. (I played it with a xbox360 windows controller). On to other subjects! As I talked about last week, I'll now share what channels I visit for painting/building tutorials! I hope you find some of them useful! (Greg is being super lazy cause it's cold...you guys are all far to productive!)
Hey Guys! It's been a slow week on the hobby front. I successfully messed up magnetizing my deff dread arms, and I was in general hobby malaise. It sure was an exciting week for nid players now! I can't help but wonder how different the year would have been had they gotten all their toys with their codex update. So what did I do? Well I watching youtube videos on gaming, and Scott Manly was doing a series on Xenonauts. I had backed xenonauts before kickstarter was a thing, and it was recently completed, so I dived back in...then I remembered why i stopped playing strategy games...they are a major time suck!
Hey Guys! Another week of planning and rebuilding. Got some secret weapon goodies in, a respirator, a new airbrush, and some Malifaux! I've been spending a ton of time watching videos and preparing to start learning new techniques, so it looks like almost nothing is being done on the hobby front. I'm a big prep-er. I'll set up my station, purchase the items, and batten down the hatches before I go full bore into creating. I'ts a bit of the by-product from my old design/science background. Work smarter not harder! We will start with the obvious. I finally broke down and bought a Malifaux box. You can thank Todd and G mort for that. Todd's constant awesome painting, and G morts constant "unboxing" articles wore me down.
Hey Guys! Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week. Missed my Monday post. Didn't have too much to talk about on the hobby front. Still been debating back and forth on my master ork list. Giving me fits. Been working on a nice spreadsheet to organize myself. Also been reworking my hobby area with new paint holders, (finally have 100% access to all my paints), and replacing my lighting system! So today's blog post is all about lighting your work space. I did a review of one lamp, and I've got a bunch of links to other lamps your fellow bloggers recommend. So if you like being able to see what you're painting, keep on reading! (Of course if your power is out, you can't see the screen, or you are blind, I apologize. May the emperor protect you.)
Greetings my fellow internet readers. Today's post is how I didn't do a single hobby thing this week, and instead spent all my free time playing video games. ![]() The video game in question? Divinity - Original Sin by Larian Studios. It has trapped me hook line and sinker. Even my workbench can't pull me away from the game. It reminds me so much of fallout 1 and 2, that I just can't stop playing. What a week! Most of my free time went into continued reorganization of my painting/hobby area. I worked on building a Gorkanaut, an Detolf cabinet, and excitedly read about all the upcoming ork releases! Not every blog post can be about finished models...I don't know how some of you guys do models so quickly! ![]() My first major project was putting together the IKEA Detolf cabinet. This a a rather inexpensive safety glass enclosure (which is pre-notched for lighting) that many hobbyist use to protect and display their models. Until this point, I've had them sitting on an open shelf. Exposed to dust...and my somewhat faithful companion Render the cat. It's finally warm in Maryland! Prime everything! Bring out the spray paint! Then suddenly realize that building terrain drink paint like no others. Out of primer and paint now. Sad days indeed for a plastic pusher of minis! ![]() At least I was able to get 4 of the 6 buildings spray painted. I didn't use primer for this (hope it doesn't bite me in the butt later), but cans of krylon fusion matte black. You can see the two giant ones in the backround ready for their coats...once I get another can. I also need to pick up a giant drybrush, and some bulk grey paint. ![]() Hey Guys! Bit of a slow week again. Been working on constructing some more buildings for the city battles we are going to be having soon. Working on a possible campaign that was inspired by Matt over at miniwargaming.com. Right now I'm working on having about 4-6 large building, 2-4 small ruins, and 2-4 small rubble/crater/barrier type terrain. Shantz is working on a volcano that will pop up during one of the game narratives as the world tears itself apart. Still working on the rules for that, but when its done, we'll have photos and a walk through of the campaign. |
January 2025