The model I got turned out to be in excellent shape. Only bubbles I could find were in the feet, and the detail was superb.
I washed the resin, and started trying to figure out how to put this guy together. Luckily the web is full of examples, so it wasn't too difficult. After seeing just how many pieces were on the model, I decided to magnetize as much of him as possible.
You can see in this zoomed in shot, there is some slight miscasts, but nothing that would defy my average painting ability from making the model look its best. (I paint at a tabletop+ quality).
I did order some new tools, so hopefully my models will improve over time as I get better at prepping them.
(This really is a multi-part hobby)
I personally went with the new GW cutter and mould line scrapper. Mainly because I got them for about 30% less then listed (off ebay). So they weren't too much different in price to the tools I was already looking at. Was this a mistake? I shall see. I got my files/knife from other sources, so a bit of a mish mash. But that's for another post (probably friday :) )
You may have noticed that I've had a lot of "building" posts lately, and not a lot of painting ones. This is because the ETL Competition is about to start on the bolterandchainsword forums. ETL stands for E TENEBRAE LUX, and is a contest where each faction vows to out paint the other factions. The winner (the black templars of course), will have the greatest zeal and bragging rights. I plan to vow...
The master of the forge (guy in this post)
Contemptor Mortis Dread (leviathan crusader)
Unit of sniper scouts
and hopefully
a SICARAN BATTLE TANK. :) (If not, a hunter/stalker)
Keep watching FYN for more updates on my vow, and how the painting progresses! Thanks for reading!