Lesson 1: Def need to get a portable wheeled rig for the next time so I'm not swinging around 20 lbs of minis while running around in an airport. Lesson 2: United will cancel a flight when it's only raining. Southwest will fly in white out blizzard conditions.
Onto more fun stuff. The Friendly!
Friendly Round 1: Blood Angel Primaris vs Trust in Rust
We used the open war cards for deployment. Game type was setup in the packet (i think it was ammo dump, so one objective worth more then the rest). When deploying, Travis turtled up with speed bumps, hoping to put down enough firepower to take out the dreads before they reached the end. Turn one saw two of his tanks blown up. (and almost a third). Minor damage to the dreads. Turn 2 he punched back and took out the morkanaut, but his hellblasters failed to do anything (10 hellblasters all overcharging only did about 4 damage!). After that we pretty much called it, as the gorkanaut, zhardsnark, and meka dread were all rampaging through the remainder of his end zone. With the hell blasters failing to punch hard enough, and no anti tank on any of his units, he couldn't do enough damage to stop the rusty tide!
1-0 Orks!
Friendly Round 2: Blood Angels Terminators vs Trust in Rust
Actual objective for this game was table quarters...but Sam and I just decided to go at it. He figured turn 1 would decide the game, as he needed to wipe out at least one of the walkers to stand a chance. He boldly deep struck the terminators, rolled to charge, and failed. I let him reroll the charge (friendly thing). The terminators struck hard, but thunderhammers just aren't as terrifying as they once were, and the the morkanaut survived. Striking back saw terminators die by the hand full...and then the power of this list, all the big dreads can leave combat, shoot, and charge right back in. They are devastating! We had a ton of fun, as we were constantly throwing rerolls back and forth and just trying to have epic moments. (like the warboss charging in to slay his, and then all the surrounding terminators slaying Zhardsnark...no invulns for you orks!). Fantastic game, and fantastic opponent. We finished so early we went to the pub for some beers :).
Orks 2-0! (Oh NO!)
Side Note: Sam, was also part of the Team that made this amazing display, that made to final judging, and scored rather high.
Friendly Round 3: Nid Death vs Trust in Rust
Orks 2-1 (That's more like it!)
Random Pickup Game. Ad Mec vs Trust in Rust (CJ vs Greggles)
Final Orks Talley From Adepticon 2018: 3-1-1 (Gud un boss!)
If you missed the Galleries, here they are again!
Adepticon 40k GT + Mixed
Adepticon 40k Team + Mixed AOS/30k/Misc
Adepticon 2018 Cell photos of various events/closeups