Welcome my friends! Hope you still enjoy ork infantry, because guess what Greggles is painting? That's right, more orks! In the first shot, is the current 10 choppa boyz I'm working on. Trying to get them to a point for Saturday's game, so I can field as many painted orks as possible vs Dan's AM! This will actually be a streamed game at https://www.twitch.tv/greggles1 around 11 EST! Second photo is the next batch. Everyone is on a little cup now, as it seems to help my wrists enough so I can continue painting! I also finished (well mostly finished) the other 10 shoota boyz. They are finally finished (and get nice photos) when they are put on the resin bases and sealed. But their bases aren't here yet, so they have to wait. I also do the final metallic highlights (just do spot highlights with vallejo air alumnium) and powders once they are sealed on the bases. So will have to wait a bit for those to show up! (hopefully next week). Also still trying to figure out this Nob. Too much metallic on his front making it all blend together. Tried some bronze, not really the biggest fan. So might be trying to checker up that one shoulder. Never done that before! Will be having a twitch stream this saturday vs Dan from 40kbadcast.com. Stop by and say hello! (Should start around 11 EST). I've also been thinking of a way to make the two squads look different. Maybe some face paint? What would a bad moonz paint their face? Thanks for reading everyone and thanks for joining me on my orky journey!
January 2025