What's that you might ask? It's a loosely definite way for fellow bloggers to announce to the community what they plan to finish from now till 2015. It's a motivational way of providing inspiration for one another, and positive feedback so we all reach our goals.
Dave Weston (one of my favorite blogs) started it at Confessions of a 40k Addict. Stop by and check out everyone's lists (and possibly join in!). Since my list is a bit long, I will post it after the break (along with my best of Nova open considerations).
My list for 2014/2015
1. Attend a tabletop event. (Done!)
2. Enter a painting competition even if I don't have a chance of winning (done, didn't place)
3. Paint my mega dread
4. Paint my gorkanaught
5. Paint my warboss biker
6. Paint the mek and painboy
7. Paint ten sternguard and a drop pod (black templars)
8. Paint and magnetize 10 vanguard vets which will double as assault marines or honor guard.
9. Paint a sicaran battle tank (templars)
10. Finish painting my half painted crusaders.
11. Paint and build another stormtalon.
12. Create an army list for LVO, paint, and build/paint to a high tabletop standard.
13. Practice airbrush techniques, salt techniques, and hairspray techniques
14. Sell old tanks, repurchase new ones, and build CORRECTLY this time. Unified Scheme.
15. Design and begin working on an actual paint competition piece, instead of a table top piece I enter in a competition.
16. Place in a competition (tournament or painting).
Quick Things:
Agitators in paint pots are bad (oops greg!).
Water first, then alcohol for cleaning airbrushes, then water again. Never alcohol directly into paint!
There is no wrong way to paint. Everyone is right.
You can't recover dried paint. Just toss it. If you aren't willing to toss a four dollar pot of paint, you should probably find a new hobby.
Favorite 40k GT Army (Player)
Favorite 40k GT Army (Painted)
Favorite Painted Figure (Capital Palette)
Favorite Painted Vehicle (Capital Palette)
Favorite Painted Army
Favorite 40k Conversion
That's it for today guys. Quite a massive post. I hope you enjoy the photos, because that is going to be the theme this entire week!