Do you find yourself constantly going back and working on the same section of a tank, over and over again? I found myself doing that yesterday. I think it's quite possible that you could spend hundreds of hours working on just one of these small rhino chassis models, and still not finish. I decided to call a stopping point, before I burned myself out. Since the last post...I experimented with mud effects (strickland mud, and khemi brown). Tried using a sponge with boltgun, and chainmail to add some wear. Used some soot weathering powders. Highlighting and finished off the gold bits, lights, and my poor attempt at lenses. I think I put more effort into this tank then the last three rhino's combined. A lot of the techniques were new, so they should only get better over time. I hope you like it! I'm most likely going to be going back over my other tanks to make it match this style. Last weekend we played our last 6th edition game. It was Dark Eldar vs Necrons and Orks. Shantz finally had enough DE force put together to run 2k points. Macuthu and I ran mish mash lists to try and have the most fun game possible. (I ran two deff dreads, three killa kans, a big mek with shock gun, two trukks with choppa boyz, and a weird boy with shoota boy mob). Macathu ran scarbs, spyders, and a monolith...not even a single TL destructor! Why isn't there a bat rep of this glorious battle? Shantz had the worst dice luck he's ever had. Nothing went his way. It was so bad, that we basically called the game before turn 4 even happened so I didn't feel it was worth a report. The next set of reports will be 1v1's, as we learn 7th. Look forward to them next month. Also it's because I got pretty drunk. In the meantime, because you read all this stuff, and happened to make me happy by looking at my blog, here are a variety of fancy photos from the battle. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
January 2025