Welcome one and all to the great "greggles gets his groove back" post. Where I go nuts painting and update more then once a week. Who would have thought! Quick house update! Got a ceiling fan in the hobby room now. Super score! Now just need to patch all that drywall, buy new desks and completely rework it....but that is for another post! Lets talk about bases! So when last we left, I hadn't even put the metallics on yet. Well on they go! Then some washes, and some brighter highlights! Then some fun stuff!!! And here we go. Some lovely weathered bases ready for some grots! (will get light box photos once they are all done :) ). But grots? Have you had time to work on the grots Greg? Why yes...yes I have! I finished all their details outside of the metallics, which I'm working on today and tomorrow. They are turning out fantastic! I'm quite pleased with them. All that work in preshading and cleaning them up has really paid dividends. This is also the first time I've used an actual paintbrush. Finally got out the rosemary and Co paint brushes. The reason you see grot eyes is because I finally have a brush that will hold a point. Let me tell you, those eyes are REALLY REALLY tiny. So happy that worked out. Next shot of these guys will be on their bases completely finished, with nice weathered fun guns! Shot of the group, lookin baller! Runtherder isn't here, as I still need to do his skin, though many of his details are finished. (following the standard skin recipe from the rest of the group to match ork to ork, so takes me a bit longer). But did I have any more time on the deff dread? Initial basework on the deff dread. It's extremely sloppy at this point, but I'm planning on going back over it with various pastes, and a slew of junkyard bits. This is mainly just the base structure so he can be jumping off of the drop pod fin, with enough room for a grot to sit on the rhino door. Updates on the rest of that soon! On the emperors children front, I continued testing on the mk3 armor. This time I used alumnium air instead of steel air as the final highlight. I don't like it as much. It's a bit more flaky, which causes the wash to look a lot grittier and catch on sections of the flat surfaces. I think I'll stick to steel air as the final for the mk4 armors. Can really see the density of the metallic flakes in the close up. At least gritty works really well for mk3 armor! (just a base coat on the bronze). Anyway, that is it for this update. As you can see I've been a bit busy. :) Hope everyone is having a good week and is looking forward to a weekend of painting and fun! Oh that reminds me, I'll be paint judging at huzzah hobbies on Saturday with Ashley. Stop by and say hi if you are
January 2025