There is a scheme that has them wear two white pauldrons with green edging, I think that is too much white personally!
Welcome my friends! My post is a bit early this week, as I am off to Adepticon to spend time looking at and enjoying all the miniatures! I haven't been slacking off though, and have been painting up a storm! First off, finally made a jaw up that I liked for the grot knight! Transferred the claw over from the ork knight, and packed him up to show off at adepticon (maybe with some queen bee face off shots!) Did all the prep work for the second deathguard squad. Outfitted the same as the first squad. Bolters, plasma, melta bomb/power axe on the champion. Doing more at once this time, will see how I like it. (already so many pauldrons!). Sticking with the deathguard pre-heresy setup, this squad will have one shoulder as a white pauldron. (to help denote the squads). In the army there is mk3, mk4 armor, and the pauldrons will be both green, one white one green, and one green one white, to help pick out the squads (and follow the armies scheme as per FW Book 1). There is a scheme that has them wear two white pauldrons with green edging, I think that is too much white personally! Also decided to bring a model to paint at adepticon. Went with the soritas cannoness I've had sitting around forever. Did preshading on her, and she's already a beaut, so have high hopes :). Will be my first bust (no pun intended), so hopefully she turns out looking good! Also got an awesome dice by from Greyed Out to give my deathguard some luck :). You can also follow him on twitter @greylikestorms And here i am all packed for adepticon! Got a battery light as well for better lighting sources during class (you learn after a few years :) ). Everything just barely fits, (the knight has maybe 1cm of clearance on the right). Hopefully will make it safely! Look forward to seeing you all there. If you aren't attending, check out my twitter stream @3dgreg for up to date photos and info! Have a great week everyone!
January 2025