Sollum GM Packet |
Prior to the start of the game, there was a final meeting, and the british/africian forces all enjoyed some Gin and Tonics outside :) I was made tank commander, and was given "full" control of all the allied tanks. For a detailed battle report from someone who actually knows bolt action, check out steve's report. My report will mainly be a bunch of photos with me moving tanks around. The main goal of the Africans was capture of the roads, and removal of the roadblocks. The main objective of the Germans was to prevent them from doing that (and holding them off till reinforcements game in via a frigate in 3 hours) [John actually had a timer, and they weren't told of the time limit till the game started!]
I figured you all would enjoy the photos more then me trying to figure out what was actually happening in terms of dice and such. From a first time observer of bolt action, this game was much more about the planning and execution of a mission, then the actual rolling of dice. In this way, the dice just added to the excitement, instead of being the main star (like they are in 40k min/maxing sometimes)
It was wonderful to meet everyone and make a bunch of new friends. I can't wait till the next time, and hopefully my tanks can actually fire for once! (note these are not my tanks. I did not paint them!)