I've tried to start up a few times but haven't quite gotten it going now, as you kinda of fall into that trap of "I don't have anything to post, so I won't post till I do" syndrome. Well I got some things to post about now!
I will be attending adepticon again, and actually got into the convention hotel this year!
I was asked to judge (that's right, judge!) painting at Huzzah Hobbies Hammer in the New Year 2016! (With Co-Judge Thunderliz)
I was also asked to participate in the Nova Open Charity Army (orks!) by none other than Dave Taylor!
So lots of wonderful things going on, and I'm chuffed to be sharing them with all of you! Will try and be more regular with my updates from here on out. Thanks as always for visiting this humble blog and giving such wonderful feedback. The result of my growth in painting is due to all of your diligence and help!