It would be to your benefit to also imagine it prior to ingestion.
First off, as part of our Thanksgiving tradition, I do all the cooking. I rather like this task and find it both relaxing and entertaining...except the last bit where I am attempting to get everything on the table (table set? check!) in its finished state so that when everyone sits down, the food is warm.
So the day started getting this ready to stick in the oven.
If you're hoping for a post-baking pic, apologies, there's just too much going on in the last 15 minutes before sit down for me to make that happen. At the time, I just didn't think I'd be writing about...well, turkeys.
Oh well, such are the fickle and capricious skeins of Fate and Tryptophan overloads, but mostly Tryptophan overloads.
Next up, painting.
Initially I was going to jam through both of them, but realized that you guys/gals will be back next week anyway (fingers crossed), so I focused on Karandas, with Ethanaal to come later. So only a WIP for Mr. E.
He has a lot of detail on him and I figured since I'm only going to do him once, that I might as well give him a good shot.
Also, he won't be needed until January, so I'll take a little more time with him.
So the outline for the story so far looks something like this:
- Working title is "Descent on Pathos IV".
- An Imperial Explorator Task Force (code name Romulus) has conducted landings on Pathos IV.
- Some unknown action by these forces has triggered a catastrophic event for the landing parties, and potentially the entire task force.
- One hastily composed, garbled astropathic communication was sent, requesting immediate and urgent help by the landing teams.
- Nothing has been heard from the task force since.
- The Inquisition has begun to marshal forces and requested assistance from Titan.
- The November Warriors have also received the request for help and have already arrived in system to offer assistance.
- Eldar raiders have been detected in proximity of Pathos IV.
Yeah, I know, not super original. Then again, it's what happens in our crazy little universe, over
and over again.
Which is probably why the Eldar are so hacked off at humans. Apparently we're like little
children, we just get our fingers into everything and as it turns out, there are a lot of light
sockets out there.
Still, I'll see what sort of twists I can come up with that might make it a little more interesting
like the possibility that this will be the first of a two part linked battle, so more on that later.
That balloon just went up recently.
In the mean time, brushes be keepin biz-zee mon!