It's what I do, and I have a lot of fun doing it. I built a rather large Black Templar army that's sole reason for existing is to seek out the vile, the weak, and the unforgiven and eradicate them. Especially if they are witches. The Emperor knows that humanity has a tough enough time as it is, without all those screen doors to the warp running around letting in uninvited guests.
Especially guests that don't clean up after they've made a mess.
I'm doing something different.
For a long time, I've admired the aesthetics of the Eldar. I like their design, even though I'm not that crazy about their play style. Give me blunt force trauma any day of the week. Still, the things I really liked about them, the flowing lines of their vehicles, a perceived Asian influence to some of the fighting styles and the fact that they are 180 degrees from where I've spent all my 40k gaming history.
So I see them as a challenge and an opportunity to learn a new way to play an army, do some modeling that really wouldn't be applicable to my Templars, and refine some painting techniques using my airbrush.
Our local group is pretty low key and so we're more of a loose association of social gamers. We have fun, play hard and I'm already preparing myself for all the grief I'll be getting because "witches".
Challenge accepted.
I saw this pose while doing research for the army and I just had to have one.
It was a pain in the neck, but I like how it turned out. He'll represent a Wraithseer, but mostly, I'll run him in the HQ slot with a Ghostglaive and see what sort of mayhem he can cause. Initially, I just expect him to look good on the table as I won't have a clue as to what I am doing. That's ok, I've been there before. That's part of the fun for me.
The head is not secured as I want to paint it separately, like I will for the Wraith guard/Blades.
I think that's it for now. I'd like to thank Greg for allowing me a spot on his awesome blog to chronicle this effort and I'll see you next time.