It's time for another chapter of "Feed Your Iodine", er, Iyanden.
In today's effort I wanted to show some HQ choices I modeled up. As stated last post, I really have no idea what I am doing, but stick me in front of bits and in some cases a little green stuff and odd things begin to happen.
At this point, other than the Wraithseer dude, I'm not really sure what I should be running as far as HQs go. It seems logical that there are some Spiritseers in there, but for a 2000 point army, what makes the most sense?
<Dune-like "internal" discussion: I know, it depends on what you want to do. So what do you want to do?>
For me.
My opponents will just have to suffer through my Eldar game face (look Ma, no emotions) wailing and gnashing their teeth as the storm of distortion thunders in their midst. Or something like that.
So, first off, a Spiritseer. If I use the Iyanden codex, I can take up to five of these guys in one slot and sprinkle them around like seasoning. Their Spiritmark power seems quite useful, but throwing too many of these guys/gals around can add up from a points perspective and as stated earlier, move me away from the general direction that I am intending.
The next figure...I don't know what to tell you. It started with seeing that skull piece on one of the extra DE bits and thinking <goes all Dune-like again> "I wonder if that bit would fit as a head?" /dune-mode
He doesn't look like a Spiritseer. He looks like he doesn't fit in. Sometimes that's just the way it rolls in Toy Soldier Life (tm). He'll get over it when he grows up.
The last character is actually a kit bash of Illic Nightspear from the Eldar codex.
I tend to do that every now and then.
He seems like he might be fun to play with. He may not be. I guess we'll see. I think that means I'll be taking an Eldar codex detachment or something at some point.
I think that's it for now. Next time expect some dueling banjo-, er swords.
Oh, one last thing. Down below is something I wrote quite awhile back for my BFG Tyranid fleet. I have no idea why I wrote it, I just had this sort of Native American cadence going through my head and this sort of popped out. Hobbying does the strangest things to you sometimes.
And now, I give you Iyanden's Lament.
A dozen spirit stones lay before him, set around Endranil's like
dark petals of a faeir blossom, a sad flower of the dead. Their
internal fire...gone. Most were cracked or pitted. Never again would they
whisper to his soul, blending wisdom and harmony, calling him to join
the everlasting forest and begin his own crystal-hymn.
On knees heavy with sorrow, Ethlohaenn raised his left arm upwards, great
wracking sobs punctuating his lament.
"Oh Favored Ones, My Ancestors, My Teachers, My Light,"
"Forgive me, my blindness has brought ruin to us all,"
"My false diligence blinded me, and now you are no more,"
"Long did I search, to see the many threads,"
"I yearned to steer our paths away from harm, to further our people, protect our destiny,"
"To earn your respect and join your eternal song,"
"How I fell short, my confidence betrayed us, compromising our fate,"
"The wind no longer caresses your skin, your branches defiled and shattered,"
"Though many sold themselves, your song has ended,"
"How I was blinded, how was I to know the danger awaiting us,"
"Now that tomorrow is here, how I wish I had whispered of shadows, of the threat ignored,"
"The dark tide approached, trickling through the stars, blotting out the skeins,"
"Would that I had uttered a single note, so many paths would have opened,"
"We would have traveled back to the light, our ships fast and fleeting,"
"Instead we turned to face the approaching night, and darkness found us,"
"So brave we were, how steadfast and determined, our actions inspired so many,"
"We were so sure that our songs would ring through the trees, lifting you up, securing our destiny,"
"Even though the shadows seemed blunt, our light was ever piercing,"
"We did not know of the great darkness, how could we, I looked but did not see,"
"The Great Shadow poured knives into our hearts, our souls,"
"It did not care, it had no destiny, save what it took from us,"
"The shadow broke upon us, each wave growing, consuming all before it,"
"Our wings were fractured, our blades broken, the dead walked before our eyes,"
"Blasphemies poured upon us, despite our every effort, we could not stop them,"
"So many bled for our towers, our sculptures, our souls,"
"No respite was had, no mercy was shared, our pleas fell upon scythe and tooth,"
"Pain became our existence, our future shredded and ripped from our grasp,"
"I stood before them, shamed, my soul stained and distorted, even my dreams ached,"
"Swearing vengeance, I struck, my holy blade singing with righteous anger,"
"I would not fail, none would pass to foul your sacred soil, on my solemn oath,"
"The chittering hordes could not touch me, I danced across their faces,"
"I was supreme, an elemental force, a slicing wind, my strikes never undone,"
"Hope, precious hope, drove me on that I might find redemption,"
"As the Shadow piled up around me, I did not note the change,"
"They acted true, savage, yet pure of purpose, but the crescendo was moments from breaking,"
"Blind to their song, I believed I could dance forever,"
"It happened so quickly, my blade penetrated the ground, though I did not release it,"
"The fire coursed through my body, my spirit shrieking at yet another lapse,"
"Unwilling to yield, unwilling to realize that my song was over,"
"I was knocked to the ground, once sacred, smooth, and pure,"
"As the great beast reached for my soul, I looked up and saw her, Endranil Ascendant,"
"Her majestic form, cool and timeless, the sheen of her skin glistening with foul issue,"
"Brave Endranil lifted me up, that I might gaze at her song, her strength,"
"That she would willingly fall to the darkness in sacrifice, her soul never to return,"
"A loss to redeem my pitiful soul, before the blackness awoke in me,"
"The forest is silent now, so few come to weep, so few are able,"
"Our destiny is set, light no longer guides our path, tomorrow is painted in darkness,"
"I so desperately wanted to believe."
His crumpled body lay heaving before the ruins, an empty husk preceding the fallen