Turn 3
Unfortunately, though visibly damaged by the aerial hunters, the Wraithknights continued to press into the Imperial fire base, though one mighty giant spun off to chase down the greatly feared and hated Culexus operative into a nearby building. It then sliced through the stone and steel with its keenly edged blade to end the operative's existence with one mighty strike.
Of more concern to the Imperials, was the continued progress of the Cobra super heavy skimmers. Unchecked by the diminishing fire to their immediate front and their ability to screen their presence amid ruined buildings, the massive distort blasts fired by these monsters continued to wreak havoc upon the Imperium defensive lines. Men and vehicles were rent asunder by the titanic blasts of distorted reality, sucked into the warp, lost forever.
The fury of the Eldar remained could not be contained. In support of the rushing advance by the Eldar skimmers, a squadron of Crimson Hunters entered the battlefield and began to remove the most threatening of the Imperial aircraft with an unrelenting precision. On this day, the heavy armor borne by the Astartes flyers seemed no match for the Eldar pulsar weaponry. Soon, the skies began to weep with flaming trails as ancient weapons, borne during the Strife brought by Horus, crashed to the ground, fatally punctured by the Eldar aspect flyers.
Turn 3 Notes:
2. There was a huge fur ball on the Imperial left flank. Jefe and Gar were throwing everything they had into it, but there is something to be said about the resilience of PA and TDA armor. Throw in some timely Cleansing Flame and you have quite a tough row to hoe. I wish that I had more time to watch the back and forth that Gar and Jefe were going through, but I was a little distracted by Mo using his air force to kick my hiney.
3. Speaking of air forces, it was pretty intimidating to see all those air craft with the business end pointed at my stuff. There were way too many lascannons and assault cannons to just stand there and say, "Eh, no biggee". It also didn't help that Mr. Downer (i.e. Culexus) was hanging around and ruining my party. So he had to go and I really didn't want to have to deal with him again, so Celebduin got the task and "he" won't be spoiling anyone's party ever again.
4. Although it seemed as if the momentum of the game had shifted to the Eldar, of greater concern was whether or not we would be able to wrest control of the objectives deep in Imperial territory, especially the Device. Leaving the Device uncontested would not allow us to get a leg up on points, yet it was dangerous to attempt to secure as the blast templates it was shooting were getting extremely dangerous. Multiple units faced the possibility of annihilation in one sweeping strike if the scatter die should decide to be...unreasonable.
Turn 4
A staccato metal rain rends,
The ground punctured by failed flight,
How painful the sightless are,
Unable to perceive their destruction,
Yet standing adamant still,
We bring your darkness,
The swiftly coming storm flashes,
Great pools of uncertainty,
Your hatred anchors you to doom,
The unknown drags you into eternity,
But not in glory,
Giants stalk,
Hunters reaping unseen lives,
Never to know completeness,
Never to see the future,
The skeins draw tight against your paths,
There lies darkness,
Your sadness reigns,
Believing in your destiny,
You stumble like infants into calamity,
Blissfully unaware of danger,
Charging headlong into futility,
No hope there.
Turn 4 Notes:
2. Once again, Gar kept the pre-game activities spicy by shooting for the stars. As we were closing in on game day, he said "Yeah, those other units I was talking about...well, I need another ten thousand points to get those." Thankfully, our "relationship" has developed over time to where we can operate with a general plan or idea and the day of the battle finalize the details.
3. I think what really turned the momentum over to the Eldar the perseverance of the Eldar wraith constructs, coupled with our distort weaponry, primarily on the Imperial left flank and to a lesser extent on the right. At one point it seemed like there were a thousand figures on the left flank, battling it out. But by the end of this turn, the GK had been broken up into small remnants, Draigo had fled (only to be sniped by the Hornet assassination team, STW), and the Imperial knight was done. From there it was a matter of closing down the flank and holding objectives.
4. As I write this, something has occurred to me while I reflect on the battle. We've seen this happen a couple of times now, but the Imperials really cannot afford to have the Eldar get on their flanks or in their backfield. Now in this game, the Imperials were set up with large open flanks as part of the story, but I can see where just giving that territory up (whether by design or not) puts the Imperials in a very dangerous position.
I shall be keeping that in mind as we move forward. Though the Eldar were not originally intended to be major players in this story, now that the Tau faction has gotten their logistics unstuck, the Eldar can quietly fade into the "starlight", only stepping in occasionally to snip "blossoms" or adjust the skeins.
In the mean time, I suspect we'll be seeing some rather interesting toys show up for the next round of games, which will be used to advance the story line, so expect to see 2000 point battles amongst the main combatants from a narrative perspective.
Many thanks to Mo and Sarah for opening up their home to a bunch of nerds with toy soldiers, We really appreciate your generosity.
I also want to thank Mo, Jefe, and Gar for humoring me with this story line and letting it play out. We had thought that after this game we would wind this story up with a final Apoc game (Pt. II), but decided that there's still plenty of the story to tell (i.e. Gar has been able to paint more Tau), so our next set of games will be 2000 points and we will continue framing and guiding the story.
Nancy Timbrook
1932 - 2016
"Most honored Old one, I am here to inform you that adjustments in policy, planning, and execution will be instituted immediately."
The Por'O stuttered, "How is this possible? I am unaware of any changes in the prosecution of this mission. I was not contacted about this!"
The Fire Caste commander smiled and said, "No...you were not contacted. It is very clear, even to the most jaded observer that the Greater Good is not being served. Your failed...attempts to secure items deemed vital to the continued expansion of our Empire can no longer be tolerated. Therefore, the mantle of command for this mission and its continued operations shall shift to myself."
The Por'O stood up and glared at the commander.
The Shas'O continued, "and please do not embarrass yourself by attempting to communicate with resources outside this mission. Your access protocols have been removed and you no longer may connect to any network. You shall remain here <looks around at the Por'O's large cabin> in your quarters until further notice. For your safety, I have deployed a security team outside. If you should have any needs not met by the service drone, they will be able to relay them to me."
Unable to contain himself, the Por'O hissed, "You will not get away with this outrage!"
The Commander merely nodded and left the Por'O's room.