6 x 5 man squads in Venoms
5 x Ravagers
1 x Incubi in Raider
1 x 10 man squad in Raider
5 x Scourges
3 x Razorwings
Void Raven
Eldar OOB
3 x Spirit seers
2 x Wraithlords Bright lances/Flamers
Wraithlord ghost glaive/Flamers
2 x 5 man Wraithguard, Wraith cannon
1 x 5 man Wraithguard, D-scythe
1 x 5 man Wraithblades
3 x Wave serpents
1 x Crimson Hunter Exarch
2 x Crimson Hunters
1 x Razorwing
Master of the Forge
2 x Storm talons
2 x Storm ravens
LR achilles
2 x Predator Deimos with conversion beam
3 x Whirlwinds
2 x Tactical squads in rhinos
1 x 5 man terminator squad
1 x 10 man assault squad
Grey Knight OOB
Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights Chapter, Lord Kaldor Draigo
High Lord of the Formosa Sector, Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz
2 x 5 man GK Terminator Squads
2 x 10 man GK Purifier Squads (combat squads)
2 x Storm Ravens
Land Raider
Inquisitorial BaneBlade
Void Shield Generator
6 x Tank Traps
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9
SOURCE 1: M-my Lord Coteaz, t-there was nothing there but the artifact just moments ago!
SOURCE 2: Stand firm, you spineless wretch! It is the way, with this variety of xenos scum. This is just the beginning of their trickery.
+++ VOX INTERCEPT: T1:R9-023447
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9
As a counter point to the activity on our left, a lone dark raider flyer, as yet unidentified, swept over our entrenchments near our shield generator, and rocked several of the Astartes vehicles and their defenders with a detached object that issued no sound, yet inflicted terrible violence upon those resources that it came into contact with. Identification of this previously unseen weapon system continues to elude us at this time.
Towards the center of the battle ground, a smaller contingent of the raiders swept over the intervening terrain from another dark portal to surround the artifact, a singularity that has of this moment, resisted all attempts at analysis and classification. The cost in psykers alone has put this expedition at great risk and yet, we must press onwards and succeed. It is inconceivable that the purpose of this effort should come up short.
On the right, a shimmer in the desert sands seems to indicate the possible presence of the Dark kin's partners. I have inferred this by what appears to be tall constructs moving towards the artifact, flowing forward in their long, graceful strides through intervening terrain and the fact that, though somewhat smaller yet still of significant presence, a number of constructs have commandeered an ancient Imperial bastion.
Truly, these are not days for the tepid of spirit.
In response to the raiders initial moves, fully three quarters of our air assault assets swept over our lines to engage the flying raiders, though with unobservable results. What was apparent is the tremendous volume of suppressive fires issued by the Astartes artillery battery, but even more significantly, the might of the Inquisitorial armorum, "The Fortress of Retribution". Clearly the raiders were unprepared for the volumes of fire that the fortress issued in defense of our forces.
Somewhat disconcerting, was to see the raiders slip out of the smoke and dust generated by all the mayhem, yet clearly their actions were less assertive as they pressed on.
TURN 1 VICTORY POINTS: Imperial 1, Eldar kin 5
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9
SOURCE 1: AIEEEE! They have filled the skies! We are doomed!
SOURCE UKN: <unidentified sound, initial analysis match to laspistol sonic profile <ref. 9234> probability 83.2%>
SOURCE 2: Remove this refuse from my sight immediately! Commander, you have a vacancy at air defense augury Station 27. I suggest that you fill it without delay.
+++ VOX INTERCEPT: T2:E4-023732
+++ VOX NODE: 430.823.001.9
More significantly, they further cloud the skies with more of their graceful, yet deadly flying vehicles.
I must admit to having yielded to doubt as I observed multiple Astartes aircraft fall from the skies, pierced by flashes of phased lightning. The toll upon our might defenders was heartbreaking. There continued great flashings of dark light, seemingly rending our forces as if with slashes of a great unseen sword.
The hunt continued with no signs of letting up.
Yet, just as I was to be overcome with fear, great streaks of silver light, flying fists from the Titan Brotherhood flew across the field to deposit their shiny cargoes around the diffuse light of the artifact.
However, it is clear that this conflict is far from over, for additional forces of the raiders have begun interdicting our positions on the right. Where did they come from? I can see that the Astartes have countered with additional aircraft, yet it appears that their fire to our right has accomplished little.
The shimmers and glancing lights remain.
Thankfully, one of the towering great war machines from Titan has swiftly moved over to reinforce that area as it appears that a great spatial distortion is occurring just on the distant edges of our lines of sight, as if this distortion detached itself from the canyon walls that frame this accursed valley.
TURN 2 VICTORY POINTS: Imperial 5, Eldar kin 7
To be continued...