Light and shadow rippled across them in slow, gentle pulses, speaking what no ear could hear...
"Is it time?"
"Once again, the Mon-keigh find themselves in possession of that which indicates their profound and continuing ignorance."
"Proximity does not equal possession, as they shall soon discover."
"Nevertheless, their proximity to the nexus is dangerous. They seek to awaken that which must remain asleep."
"Then their pitiful aspirations must fail."
And then there was nothing but stars.
I could have done another Wraithlord...
There's just something very unnerving about an object (in game scale) that large, able to move with such fluidity and grace...and I was looking forward to the modeling challenge.
In case you are wondering, "Yes", it took a lot of hacking and green stuff to get the final pose I settled on. I didn't quite get the crouch I was after as I was running into some basic design issues with the model, so I got pretty close. Not exactly what I wanted, but pretty close.
With the base colors finished, I then used the artist charcoals to shadow the recesses and keep the overall presentation consistent with the rest of the army.
Then I needed to add details. I wanted the sword and arm shield to be opposing counter points for the eye and I wanted them to align and frame the rest of the model. I settled on a cool colored silver, sponged with Vallejo Silver and washed in areas with a turquoise wash (Reaper, I think). For a spot color I had originally planned on going with either more turquoise or a lighter purple, but I just could see that working, afraid that it would just get lost.
Since I have access to a brilliant art student (my daughter) I asked her what she would do and she offered "pine" as a suggestion, and after I got her to point to what she was thinking, then I was able to do the loincloth and ribbons. I also decided to use that color on some of the spirit stones, though I started out with a richer green (GW Snot Green) and toned it down with a turquoise wash.
And the pose looks baaaad!
The only task remaining was to name her. Once again I dipped into the local talent pool and asked my daughter (who's also a writer) if she had an Elvish name, what would it be.
She of course, had already been down that path many years ago and so she was named.
Celebduin walks.