XREF: 345FE4-23F3-UARW409
After intense cogitation analytics efforts, our data pulls have not been able to tie this movement with any known previous cult or association.
We have been able to infer by association that this cult has infiltrated not only several Labor Unions, but we have also observed infrequent associations with several of the more disreputable crime guilds.
Although the more tangible evidence of nefarious scheming has yet to surface, the extreme secrecy with which this cult conducts their operations, leaves me gravely concerned. For some reason I am reminded of a local poisonous weed that seeks to establish an extensive root network before reaching out for sources of water to tap into and consequently contaminate with dire effects to those dependent upon the water.
I am greatly concerned about innocuous nature of this threat.
Commandant Ronaldus Gaius Falke
Arbites Sector X02-934
1. Retrieve Person of Interest and return to Precinct HQ for questioning.
2. Target Name: Unknown, locally referred to as "Mad Jack"
3. Location: Currently harbored within Sector 23, 5th Ward, Persephone Prime, which falls within the pseudo-jurisdiction of a Union Lord, locally known as Cing. It is not known at this point in time whether or not the target is being held against his will. A local informant (found deceased outside an Arbites precinct house) previously reported observing the target wandering around the city, mumbling about "the glory of the face of the Dragon".
4. This mission will involve inserting a special unit that will infiltrate the Cing Guild territory and disable any anti-aircraft weapons. The successful conclusion of this mission will trigger the landing of follow on forces that will grab the target and exfiltrate out of the area with the target. Transport back to the marshalling point will be arranged.
Kill Team Rules:
1. Pick one unit from codex, excluding HQ and Heavy unit types.
2. All members of the Kill Team must be from the same race.
3. Models may not have a 2+ save of any kind.
4. Kill Teams may have one weapon with either the Heavy or Template characteristic.
5. Kill Teams may not have psychic powers.
6. No model may spend more than 40 points in total on weaponry, war gear, or special skills.
7. Kill Teams may only choose the weapon upgrades in the unit from which they are chosen.
8. Flyers, Bikes, and Jet Bikes may not be chosen, nor may anti-grav weapons platforms.
9. Kill Teams must obey unit specific upgrades.
10. Kill Teams must number between 5 and 12 models.
11. No more than one model may have the option of choosing war gear.
12. No Kill Team weapon may have a Strength of more than 8 or be capable of firing more than two (2) shots per turn.
All scenarios played on a 4 foot x 4 foot table. The same Kill Team list will be used for Games 1 & 2. Casualties incurred by the Kill team in Game 1 will have an effect on Game 2.
Game 1 - Insertion
The Inquisitorial Kill Team has been inserted near a suspected Guild operations center and needs to infiltrate the enemy base perimeter.
Terrain: Denser urban terrain. The Inquisition player may set up within six inches of the table edge. The non-Inquisition player places forces first. The Inquisition player goes first.
Victory conditions: Cross the enemy zone and exit the other side, no closer than 18 inches from any table corner. Any casualties incurred by the Kill Team will be rolled for in the next scenario.
Game 2 - Secure the Landing Zone
The Inquisitorial Kill Team needs to identify and eliminate the anti-aircraft nest to allow the main raid forces to fly in and rappel into the landing zone. The anti-aircraft nest counts as an immobile Armor 14 vehicle. A secondary victory condition is destroying the power grid controls box. This will allow the follow on mission to be played using the Night Fighting rules because the surrounding search light network cannot be activated. For the purposes of this mission, each Kill Team member is assumed to be carrying melta bombs.
Terrain: Urban terrain with an open area in the center. The non-Inquisition player will place the anti-aircraft nest and the power grid box. The Inquisition player may set up within six inches of the table edge. The non-Inquisition player places forces first. The Inquisition player goes first.
Victory conditions: Destroy the anti-aircraft nest and the power grid box.
Game 3 - Snatch and Run
- This battle will be played with 400 points per side.
- Neither force may select units from either the HQ or Heavy unit types.
- Neither force may have more than one (1) unit from either the Elites and/or Fast Attack choices.
- No flyers may be selected.
- Inquisitorial forces may not select any vehicle units.
- Any vehicles selected may not have an armor value greater than 33 (i.e. Front armor + Side armor + Rear armor).
Victory conditions: Secure the target. The side with a unit that is closest to the target by end of the game is considered in possession of the target, winning the game.
This scenario uses the variable game length rule. The non-Inquisition forces are deployed first. The Inquisition forces move first.
Note, All game scenarios adapted from Games Workshop's White Dwarf magazine #299
Look for more information soon!