Yeah, I'm back and it's bugs again.
While I was doing research for the Children of the Dragon and Necrons in general, I came upon the above entry in the 40K Lexicanum awhile ago.
At the time I didn't think a lot about it, but while I was putting together the cultists I was suddenly struck by an idea. Small as insects, reduces organisms to bone with terrifying speed and all of a sudden this happened...
I started off with some old skeleton sprues I had back from a long time when Warhammer 1st edition came out. I bought a jillion of these (skeletons were 1.5 points) and traded a lot of them away, but still have quite a few.
So with that as a base, I modeled the "bones" in what I'm calling agony poses. I figure, just like being eaten by army ants, that there are too many worse ways to go and that the victims wouldn't just lay down and go peacefully. So there needed to be some energy there.
From there I base coated them in black, dry brushed them with P3 Pig Iron and Radiant Platinum, followed by a blue wash. They needed something and the blue wash just seemed to be the best way to add a little color.
Next up came stuff.
Flensing. Doesn't seem like a bad word. What it means is to strip the skin from an organism. That just seems pretty horrifying.
Now for this unit, I opted to go with the straight bones, but in the next unit I build, I'll most likely do a "flense" effect, i.e. revealing the muscle under the skin. When I mix the two units then I'll have a representation of flensing in various stages.
Ok, enough of that, I think I'm going to talk about daisies next week.
In the meantime, here's a little more unattractiveness
I think that's it for now. When I finish basing them I'll post updated pictures.
Startled, the Por'O struggled to climb out of a deep, disturbed slumber.
Calling the lights on in his quarters, his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings and confirmed that he was alone. HIs retina security panel confirmed that the portal locks to his quarters remained in place...and yet he found himself shaking, in an extremely agitated state of mind.
And then, he was no longer alone.
Materializing before him, a tall, thin figure wrapped in robes the color of deepest night, it's helm adorned with jewels that sparkled like the stars.
In its left hand, a long, elegant sword.
The figure stood and stared at him for too many silent, uncomfortable moments.
"W-who are you? How did you enter my quarters? Identify yourself immediately!" he finally stammered, while using an eye blink to activate his personal security alarm.
The figure raised its empty right hand, palm up, and extended it out towards the prone Tau, slowly clenching its fingers.
The Tau curled up in extreme pain as his pulmonary system began to suffer extreme arrhythmia.
As he was losing consciousness, he heard, though no one spoke, "A blade lays against your heart".
Alerted by the Por'O's medical implants, nearby med-tech drones rushed into his quarters and began resuscitation protocols immediately.
Days later, he angrily questioned the ship's Fire Caste Security Command.
"What do you mean, there was no one in my room?"
"Sir, we have no visual nor biometric evidence showing that anyone other than yourself was present in your quarters for more than 0.75 rotaa that evening. Even the Med-drones' vid captures show the room empty except for yourself."
"Yes sir...we still have no evidence confirming that. Perhaps you merely experience a difficult sleep cycle?"
Calming himself, "I know what I saw and I know what I heard. It was real. It happened."
"Yes sir."