Things were so simple back then.
I had a few terrariums and jars with holes punched in the lid, which eventually developed an appreciation for those that hunted. My favorite bug became this guy/gal:
I won't recount the tales of how a bunch of kids on our block got together and invented the precursor to the "Thunderdome", except with bugs. I will say that my entry never lost.
But hey, science!
So why are you reading about this on some blog about toy soldiers vs. some professional journal on the mating habits of tsetse flies in the jungles of New Guinea?
Fast forward a few years and the discovery that the roads to wealth and riches via Entomology seemed to lead through a bunch of swamps, jungles, and brushes with malaria and dengue fever.
Also, it seemed like in the movies, the guy who studied the bugs either got eaten by them, or became the bad guy because he was ostracized for having unnatural affections for his subjects. More importantly, he never got the "hot" chick.
I was already short, pudgy, and squinted a lot (we didn't know I needed glasses at the time), so adding to my handicaps didn't seem like a very smart move.
So a lifetime spent looking at bugs wasn't really looking all that attractive. Fortunately, other professional pursuits eventually captured my attention and "here we are."
As it turns out, we still seem to be on track for Part II of the Pathos IV campaign, so by next week that storyline will be coming to a close.
Now we could fold up shop after that and find other things to do, or...we could find another campaign to focus on.
Remember this guy?
For myself, I am going to focus on building out the things I love about Tyranids that hearken back to my days as a kid.
I know. You’re probably thinking "Honda, you'll never survive on the table with just those puny units!"
Maybe, then again...
Awhile back, I started collecting genestealers. I have no idea why. I have over a hundred of them now. I don't know why that is either.
I am going finish painting them for the Baal engagement. Also I kitbashed a Broodlord while painting around 40 genestealers. I am reassessing how they are done and possibly modifying them to a newer, paler scheme.
My current Broodlord.
He's kind of odd, but sort of works.
But then GW came out with this guy and I just had to have one.
The rest of the brood looks like this. I am was going for a more natural palette with softer tones per my normal preferences. I sort of got there.
So, around 40 painted, another 60 or so to go, plus a few Lictors because mantis or something.
Next week should have a fairly interesting tale.
Or not.
* Yeah, I know a bunch of you thought I was hunting down and catching these...
So, the story does end with Honda living happily ever after.