I am happy to report that I have finished painting Ethanaal/Eldrad so that he will be available for our big game on 1/3/15.
That was a bit of a gamble in that, from a color wheel perspective, yellow is a good contrasting color, but I wanted to make sure that it remained a soft contrast and didn't hit the viewer across the eyes. So I started off with a brown base, then mixed in some GW Averland Sunset and Vallejo Pale Sand to lighten, eventually working in some Vallejo Off White to get the paleness I was looking for.
The other thing I was aware of is that there are a lot of different types of white on the figure, e.g. helmet, gloves, rune armor. So I needed something that wasn't white, yet gave me a lighter boundary between the darker fabrics.
It seems to work.
Here are all the HQ choices (i.e. heroes) I will have for the game, Karandas, Eldrad, and Illic Nightspear.
While sorting through some old containers, I found this:
Then it occurred to me, perhaps a Jain Zar stand in or a Howling Banshee Exarch. I'm not sure, I'll have to think on this a little more which means, I'll probably not start painting her just yet.
So I was back to square one, me sitting at my hobby desk, fingers and paint brushes twitching.
Which is my segue into the "monsters" portion of the post. First some background.
What he comes up with is truly frightening sometimes, in a very inspiring sort of way.
So he built this Warboss/Big Mek/Nob figure a couple of years ago. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to paint it, but he assured me that he would paint it. So I waited. However, he is not as inspired to paint his creations as I am driven to paint things, so we have since worked out a deal where, he builds and I paint.
So I got to paint this guy, this Warboss, this...MONSTER.
He's made up of all sorts of stuff from who knows where. I'm pretty sure the Bosspole is part of a Deffcopta helicopter blade. He came about because Super T (his nickname) wanted another mega armor Nob and he got tired of waiting for even a "rumor" of plastic meganobs. I'm glad he got impatient (another Ork trait) otherwise this guy might not have ever been built.
Now you may have noticed that he's kind of big. But how big is he?
It also seems appropriate that he have a suitably monstrous name, so I present to you Warboss Bludskull Kilfist. I suspect he has a very long and bloody history ahead of him.
Until next time.