Until this point, I've had them sitting on an open shelf. Exposed to dust...and my somewhat faithful companion Render the cat.

Plus they look ultra spiffy in there. Now just gotta move them all over in a concise manner.
When putting this thing together...please pay careful attention to the placement of the rear plastic sliders. They will show you an imagine in the directions to point out it shouldn't be flush with the glass. If you fail to heed this (as per greggles sop), you'll have to disassemble the glass sides to fix it. Lets just say I'm glad this is made of safety glass!

Considering it costs about 40 USD just to get the model (cost of mini + gameday ticket), I bidded my time. Eventually I got one at cost (not a recast for once!).
I'm planning on using this as possible mini deff dread, depending on how the new codex goes. I'll probably assemble for painting soon, then hold off on the base work till I know for sure!

That's right. There is enough space to fit two small magnets on the inside of the door without drilling. This keeps it from flopping around until you're ready to disembark.
You could place them in the plastic (by drilling), but then I feel that's not the best spot for them. (if you wanted a cleaner look)
I hope to have a lot more progress by friday, so check back then to see my frustrations/joy with the model.
1) New Psyker powers! (I hope they're proper random and orky!)
2) Balance and Point Adjustments bringing the codex in line with 7th. (It's been three editions, definitely needs some love here)
3) New options to deal with a variety of threats, instead of the same cookie cutter builds.
4) Plastic MEGANOBZZZZZzzzz (please be true).
Thanks for stopping by and visiting guys. I'll try to have more interesting stuff for you on Friday. Hopefully I'll have a bit more energy then instead of spending it all on cleaning and organizing :).