Thanks for looking and all your suggestions and comments!
Hey everyone. Another short update for you all. Lots of house and wedding stuff going on, so hobby time is limited. On a happy note, we now have a toilet working in the powder room again. Yay! After quite a bit of cutting and sawing, I was able to convert one of the stompa's guns to work with the knight. Still have to fill that gap with some green stuff, but I'm pretty happy with it overall! Started playing with armor plates to see where I will need to trim/adapt for the various sections. I love the stompa head as shoulders, so that is staying, with each knight having a different section of stompa head. It just fits perfectly. It's almost silly how they line up. I'm mainly working on the shin and thigh plates now. Here is how I am doing the cockpits. The grot grunner from the dakkajet fits perfectly. So one or both knights may be piloted by grots :). Fitting I think! Top hatches will be blown off, or look as if they were ripped open. I'm currently still back and forth on how to configure the knights. The avenger cannon is awesome...but I feel it is totally cheating. (heavy 12, BS4!!) It also forces me to play the knights defensively, which is stupid. So I might just drop the stompa gun and add another CC weapon, so both knights are wardens, but with the barrage launchers. That'll eliminate the BS 4 usability as much, as I'll still be able to be aggressive, but launch large blasts all over the board to annoy anyone trying to hide from the dread mob (one of my key problems with the list is armies which just turtle and try to slowly whittle down the army) This is how the workspace is looking at the moment. I have various plates EVERYWHERE. Trying all sorts of different combos. I think I am going to be using the dakkajet engine cowls as the foot plates (they tuck nicely in there), then modify the smaller stompa plates for the thighs. I'm not doing the head or torso plates (except for a fun one on the gork knight). As soon as I get the plates figured out, I'll start painting. (I guess I still need to figure out the stubber or what not. We'll figure that out. :) ). Thanks for looking and all your suggestions and comments!
January 2025