Round 3: Ork Walkers vs Daemon Walkers!
Deployment: Dawn of War
Ork List: Unbound Trust in Rust! (warlord trait: didn't matter)
Trust in Rust |
Daemon Walkers |
So I was super super super excited for this game. We both had awesome super heavies. (around the same points even). We both had walker armies. Very even match up. As such, my photos are a bit more "oooh pretty", vs "hey greg moved here on this turn". I would apologize for this, but oooooh pretty! You'll also notice I have gotten a bit smarter in terms of getting ready, I got out my status markers, and my tea lights out ahead of time.
I deployed the majority of my force in the middle, behind cover (or in cover), with the stompa, and a deff dread on the far left. (as far away from the scorpion as possible). Jason "was" going first, but then I think I seized the initiative. Should really write this stuff down!
My first phase is pretty uneventful. I put a hull point on the scorpion, and possibly a hull point or two off the maulerfiends (which were pretty scary...the things with tentacles). Somehow I get a miraculus charge off with the stompa (playing him really aggressively this game) and wipe out the left most maulerfiend with a D hit from the titan weapon. (no invuln save there! and first blood). The maulerfiend does a few HP to the stompa before he drops. This lets the stompa move a bit closer to Jason's backfield. (keep an eye on the stompa!)
Then jason went, and proceeded to fire, and fire, and fire, and fire. Dealing hull points all over my army. (but not killing anything yet).
Differences between Ork and Daemon Walkers.
Ork walkers are generally str 10, ap2, at WS4, and init 2. (except for kans which are WS 2, str7). They have stupid awful guns.
Daemon walkers are generally str10 ap2, at WS3, and init 3 (very important here), and also have 5++ saves, and it will not die. They also have big long ranged guns.
The greater scorpion ignores all terrain, and moves 12, and has a str 10 large blast ignore cover shot (ap2), two str 6 ap3 flamers, is av14 on the front, has 9 hp, and a heavy 10, str 6 ap3 shot. It's also str 10, with 6 base attacks. (and has 5++ and it will not die).
At this point, I'm down in kill points, and really hurting in firepower. So far I have killed one daemon dread, Jason has killed six. (and immobolized one). I concentrate all my fire power on the maulerfiend. Maybe I can take it out. I drop it down another hull point. It's still alive. It's not looking good on that flank! I move the lone killa kan up to try and speed bump the maulerfiend.
Remember how I told you guys to keep an eye on the stompa? Notice him slowly krumping around on the left? Notice there is one less daemon walker over there? That's right, another stompa charge, another 6, another daemon walker removed from the table. This time it was a triple ectoplasm cannon forgefield. I consolidate the stompa 1 inch away from Jason's next walker. The stompa is starting to get his groove after two games!
Shooting is unleashed. Another HP off the scorpion. Another HP off the maulerfiend. Here we go guys!
The stompa makes his charge! The killa kans make their charge! The scorpion hits the stompa for around 5 HP. (Only 3 left!), but the stompa is standing...and he swings with the force of a thousand rusty nails! 4 Hits! All D3's....10 HP's dealt. The scorpion has 6 remaining. Can Jason make his invulns???
Jason points out to me that he has never lost the scorpion in a game. I'm the first to ever kill it. That's right Mr Stompa. You are the real MVP, and boy are you getting some nice bits on your hull after this!
On his last turn, Jason pulls the final two walkers into cover (2+ due to shrouded), and fires at the only killa kan he can see, of which I make the cover saves. The game ends with a final score of 11-9 for the orks! An ork victory!